cryptic pregnancy (requested)

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"Y/N, baby, I don't want to freak you out by saying this but I really think I should take you to the hospital." Minho spoke as he brushed his fingers along your back.

He was trying to do all he could to bring you some comfort as the intense pain you were in became worse and worse by the minute.

"Baby, I think something's wrong. Please let me take you to the hospital. I'm worried it might be serious."

You couldn't deny that you were fearful of the same thing.

This is, by far, the worst pain you have ever experienced and you're getting kinda scared that it might be something very serious.

You looked at him with sad eyes as he leaned in and kissed your forehead.

"Okay." You agreed and he gave you a quick hug to try and reassure you.

But he pulled away when you groaned in pain once more.

"Okay, let's go to the emergency room. Everything will be okay. I'll be by your side, no matter what."

You nodded and stood up as the pain faded away.

Minho put his shoes on before grabbing you one of his hoodies since it was chilly out and then helped you out to the car, knowing putting your shoes on was a waste of time since you can't walk on your own.

Carrying you to the car, he helped you into the passenger seat and then got into the driver's side quickly.

He drove to the hospital as fast as he could and kept one hand on the wheel while his other stayed wrapped in yours.

The pain was so bad you couldn't hold back as you groaned and cried from how intense it was.

Sweat poured down your skin and you squeezed his hand tightly as you both became more convinced and concerned that something wasn't right at all.

He pulled into a parking spot and then rushed to your side to help you out of the car before carrying you through the sliding doors.

"I need some help!" He yelled out in a desperate and anxious voice. "My wife is in a lot of pain, we don't know what's wrong."

"Okay, let's get her back here." A nurse said as Minho followed her back into the hospital rooms.

He gently laid you on the bed when the nurse stopped in one of the rooms and he brushed the hairs away from your sweaty skin.

"Is there any chance you might be pregnant?" The nurse asked.

"We've been trying since we got married but we've been unsuccessful." You said.

The doctor entered the room a few seconds later and as Minho kissed your forehead to try and calm you down as the agonizing pain continued, he ordered some tests.

"Tests?" You anxiously spoke. "Minho, what if it's bad? What if it's serious?"

Your eyes were full of fear and sadness as you gazed at your husband who was just as nervous as you.

But he tried not to let it show because he didn't want to make you feel worse.

"It's going to be alright." He whispered. "Take a deep breath, baby. I'm sure it's not that serious, okay?"

You took a breath and sank your teeth into your lip, both to try and hold back your whimpers from the pain and because you were so worried.

"Before we do those tests though, I want to do a quick ultrasound, if that's okay."

You nodded and as Minho kept trying to comfort you, the doctor began the ultrasound.

After putting some gel on your stomach, he began to move the wand across it.

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