you're stressed (requested)

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You jumped over the feeling of Minho's hands gently falling against your shoulders as he came up behind you.

"Did I startle you? I'm sorry." He spoke before kissing the back of your neck softly.

"It's okay." You sighed before putting your head back against your chair.

Looking up at him, you saw him stare at you with a soft smile and the most loving gaze, and, for a second, you were able to forget all about the stress you were under and focus on only him.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. I was just thinking you should take a little break and we could order some food. Maybe we could watch an episode of a show too."

"That sounds amazing but I can't." You said before leaning forward once more. "I have so much I have to get done still."

He leaned forward and slowly closed your book.

"Forget about it for a bit. Come spend a few minutes with your boyfriend."

You huffed before turning back to him.

"Why did you do that? Minho, you know I have to focus! I am under so much stress and pressure to study as hard as I can and finish up any extra work that I have before I start my college exams!"

His smile fell and the look in his eyes changed from loving to concern.

You've never been so upset at him before.

"Can't you see how close I am to crumbling right now? It's not just school that's stressing me out, I have a lot on my plate right now! I need to focus and you're not helping me by closing my book and distracting me when I need to keep my attention on this!"

He stood there in silence and just stared at you for a few seconds before the guilt sank in for you.

"I'm sorry." You said before rubbing your temples. "I can't believe I snapped at you. You didn't even do anything wrong. God, I can't believe I did that to you."

"Hey," He whispered before stepping closer to you, gently brushing his fingers along your arms. "It's okay. I know a lot is going on right now and that you're stressed."

"Stressed is a huge understatement. I'm so close to pulling my hair out."

"Don't do that." He spoke softly. "Come here, it's alright."

You put your arms around him and let out a heavy sigh as he held you tight.

The stress has been weighing so heavily on you that you felt as if you were slowly but surely falling apart.

But your boyfriend is so sweet and so soft and you feel so safe in his arms.

"I've got you. Talk to me."

"I'm just under a lot of stress. There's so much happening between college and work and just being an adult. It sucks."

He chuckled softly before kissing your head.

"I know. That's why I want you to take a little break. I was sitting on the bed talking to Changbin and you were getting frustrated. I want to help you and try to make you feel better."

You were so close to crying at that point.

Because things are so tough right now but Minho just makes it all so much better and easier.

"I know you have exams coming soon but can you take a little while away from everything? We'll order some food because I can hear your stomach grumbling."

You giggled and the sound made a smile pull at his lips.

"Can we cuddle too?"

"Absolutely." He smiled as you looked into his eyes. "I'll give you all the cuddles you want."

"And kisses?"

"And kisses." He confirmed. "On the condition that you take a break."

"I think I should take the rest of the night away. I still have a few days before I should even start studying hard and I don't think I can keep pushing myself like this. I want to spend the night with you."

"I want that too. I think it'd be good for you." He said. "I know it'd be good for me. I've been stressed lately too. Some time with my girl would make me feel much better."

You kissed his lips softly and felt him smile into the kiss as he tightened his grip on you a little.

"Okay. Then let's do that."

"Sounds good. And I want you to open up to me too. Tell me what's stressing you out so much so I can make you feel better."

You knew talking to him would help so much.

So you happily agreed, knowing that the weight on your shoulders would soon lift as you opened up to him and let go of everything.

He let you go and walked over to the bed with you, planning to order you both some food after you cuddled for a bit.

All he wants is to help you feel better.

And if anyone could do that, it's him.

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