Chapter 22 - It's True

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- Third POV -

As the three sorcerers made their way to the foyer, they saw a bright yellow orb hovering above Kaecilius' head. A spell, just like the one that had stranded Stephen & (Y/n) in the sanctum in the first place.

"We have to end this!" Mordo shouted, jumping over railing and heading straight for a Zealot.

"Now!" (Y/n) followed, though slightly trickier since the two men had a means of hovering/flying and she didn't.

The two masters wrestled with the Zealots, throwing punches and eventually getting pinned down by them.

Stephen on the other hand, now hovering in the air, watched as Kaecilius moved to slam the spell which would destroy the sanctum and leave them with just one more to go.

Just as the orb hit the ground, the impact subsided.

"The Mirror Dimension. You can't affect the real world in here." Stephen said, mirror-like fragments fluttering around the room. "Who's laughing now, asshole?"

Mordo & (Y/n) exchanged a look. 

This wasn't good.

"I am." Kaecilius smiled. With a swift movement of his hand, the architecture of the sanctum started to bend and multiply at his will.

Mordo grabbed the Zealots and dragged them to the ground, releasing himself and (Y/n) as the three of them bolted for the door and onto the streets of New York.

Stephen held up his hand to reveal the stolen sling ring.

"They've got no sling ring. I mean, they can't escape, right?"

The Zealots had now started towards them.

"Run!" Mordo shouted as (Y/n) grabbed Stephen's hand and they left.

The streets started to split, different angles and perspectives confusing the sorcerers. Cars driving from every-which way, then appearing above them.

"Their connection to the Dark Dimension makes them more powerful in the Mirror Dimension. They can't affect the real world, but they can still kill us. This wasn't cleverness." Mordo stated as the three of them paused in the middle of a junction.

"It was suicide." (Y/n) chimed in, seeing the Zealots now chasing after them. The three took off again.

Stephen, with one arm in front of him, started to conjure a gateway that the three would run straight into. Kaecilius wasn't about to let them get away that easily. Bending the buildings and gravity, the three sorcerers felt themselves lean and eventually fall to their right, causing them to slam into a moving bus. A puzzled look crossed their faces as they watched an elderly man laughing at a book, just before they scrambled to their feet.

Standing up, now perpendicular to their attackers, they moved again, jumping onto the nearby building; Mordo utilising his relic boots while (Y/n) quickly clung onto Stephen's side as the cloak carried them down.

Now scaling the side of whatever building they were on, Stephen again attempted a gateway, the Zealots now starting their ascend. Kaecilius jumps, slamming his hand down as he lands, causing a shock wave to spill through the building, turning all metal and glass into one wobbly sheet that was soon catching up to Stephen, Mordo & (Y/n). The glowing ring just feet away disappeared, and they were starting to lose their balance. In that moment, Kaecilius sliced his hands down, breaking the skyscraper in two and peeling away, causing the sorcerers to fall as a hole formed through the streets of New York.

Buildings were collapsing and the city was splitting onto each axis. Stephen caught (Y/n) just before they landed onto another building face. They made their way to the edge of the edifice and stared out at the chaos that stood before them.

"This was a mistake." Stephen said, now realising what he had done.

"You don't say?" (Y/n) shouted back, sarcastically, meeting Mordo's fed up expression. 

Then they were off again, and the building they were standing on immediately tipped forward, lunging them off into another free fall. This time, Stephen grabbed (Y/n) before they were fully suspended in the air. The city twisted and turned as they fell, eventually scooping them up as stairwells formed, creating platforms. (Y/n) had let go of Stephen, landing on a walkway next to Mordo as Stephen fell through a gap in the floor, landing him on a walkway just below. They looked up, and there they were. Practically face-to-face with the Zealots. They had caught up. And so the chase ensued. Kaecilius made his way directly for Strange, leaving the two masters to deal with the two followers.

The buildings wobbled and turned, creating an ever-changing obstacle ground for the sorcerers to flee on. This resulted in the three of them splitting up. Stephen found himself sliding through a subway or bus, he couldn't tell, while Mordo took advantage of his boots and (Y/n) was left jumping and clinging onto surfaces. As Stephen ran, he hadn't noticed Kaecilius running along the underside of his path, coming up and over to tackle Strange.

With one hand around his throat, he quickly grabbed Stephen's sling ring and moved to conjure a shard-like weapon, ready to stab. Kill. But just as his hand moved down, the platform Strange was on shifted, and separated itself from Kaecilius. Then suddenly, everything started to move. Mordo had been pinned down, so had (Y/n), and the shifting tiles allowed their escape.

The Ancient One had appeared, fans at the ready. Under her guidance, an arena started to form, bringing Stephen, (Y/n) & Mordo back together, then shifting the floor beneath them to push them to the side. Upon closer inspection, a rune marked her forehead. The same one that marked Kaecilius' and his followers. Mordo & (Y/n) shared a look - Stephen had been right.

"It's true." (Y/n) said, now able to catch her breath.

"She does draw power from the Dark Dimension." Mordo added. They were now both stunned, disappointed. The Ancient One met their eyes, a sorry look they had never seen her form before, then she turned to Kaecilius, who was now standing - with his Zealots - on the other side of this make-shift arena.

"Kaecilius." She started,

"I came to you broken," they both started to round the board, "lost, bleeding. I trusted you to be my teacher, and you fed me lies." He replied, his voice was coarse.

"I tried to protect you."

"From the truth?" He questioned

"From yourself."

"I have a new teacher now."

"Dormammu deceives you. You have no idea of what he truly is. His eternal life is not paradise, but torment."

He had made his way back now to his fellow Zealots, weapons at the ready.

"Liar." he spat, and spread his palms to conjure his own, as they all moved to strike.

The Ancient One rarely displayed her power at Kamar-Taj, only ever involving herself in true moments of need. And this was no exception. Her orange fans sliced the air, flickering between fans and shields. Her movements were swift and graceful, yet incredibly powerful. The three sorcerers stood on the sidelines, completely captured by her display. Kaecilius moved to strike the ground, causing another ripple through the arena, only for The Ancient One to absorb it, and send it back towards him. She had no trouble dealing with the Zealots apart from how time consuming it was.

Kaecilius saw this as his opportunity. He grabbed the sling ring from his side, readying it in his hand.

The Ancient one had moved onto blocking the strike from the other Zealot just as Kaecilius moved in from behind, sending his shard straight through his follower, and The Ancient One.

(Y/n) moved her hand to her mouth, suppressing a scream, while the other two dropped their jaws, small gasps escaping.

Removing his blade, he kicked her back, sending her flying towards a gateway he had conjured, aimed straight down into the city - no longer in the Mirror Dimension. They ran after her, jumping through the portal - Stephen once again grabbing (Y/n)'s sides before they started their descent.


Honestly such a horrible way to go

Until next time <3

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