Chapter 33 - Hypocrite

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- Third POV -

The two masters had rushed to the entrance, only to see the doors swung open, and none other than Mordo standing at the bottom of the stairs. (Y/n)'s face lit up ever so slightly seeing her long-time friend, only for it to falter seeing his cold, determined features.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, seeing his state. The last time they saw him, he swore he would leave the mystic arts behind. She could only guess what he had been up to these past few weeks. It's not like they kept in touch. But here he was, standing in the sanctum, in his robes and with a weapon in hand.

"The bill... comes due."

He rushed up the stairs towards them, his boots aiding his climb as he struck his weapon towards Stephen. The cloak wrapped itself around it, allowing Stephen to swing at Mordo, only for him to release his weapon from the grasp of the fabric and reposition it into Strange's chest. As Stephen fell back, (Y/n) moved in, swiping her legs and knocking him down. But before she could lash her newly conjured whip around his arm, he got up and threw more attacks at her, moving their battle to the foyer and off the stairs. They both put up a good fight. There was a reason they preferred sparring with each other back in Kamar-Taj.

"You're good," Mordo spat, as they started circling each other, waiting for their counterpart to strike, "But I'm better."

"Oh yeah? And who taught you that?" She replied before they both rushed forwards, throwing punches and kicks at one another, only for the other to counter or defend. After all, they knew each other's moves like planned out choreography. They had learned to sense each other's attacks like a move set, understanding where and how the other would strike next. They worked well as a team since they understood how to feel each other's minds in a battle. But what Mordo couldn't feel was (Y/n)'s intuition. Specifically, her growing feeling that Stephen himself was about to strike. So, she continued attacking, positioning Mordo with his back to Strange just as he moved in. And after a lot of back and forth, Stephen managed to knock Mordo over, giving (Y/n) enough time to throw an inhibiting spell at his limbs.

Mordo lay on the floor, struggling in his entrapment as the other two approached, weapons at the ready. After their experience with Kaecilius, they were determined not to let him escape.

"What the hell was that?" Stephen shouted while they caught their breath.

"Oh, don't be so surprised. I taught you everything you know." Mordo panned, barely registering Stephen's agitation.

"Not everything." Stephen corrected, seeing as his other teacher, now girlfriend, was standing right next to him, just as confused as he was.

"Yeah, well something tells me you aren't visiting out of boredom." (Y/n) interjected, incredibly annoyed at how this instance would make two of her closest friends now betray them. And her anger was only growing.

"I'm simply trying to restore balance."

Stephen & (Y/n) looked at each other, confused by Mordo's words. Balance? What on Earth was he even talking about? But as they turned back to him, they saw the two blades he had conjured in his hands. Before they could react, he had broken the spell and kicked both their legs over. He moved, standing above both of them, with his blades held to their throats.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way. But it is the only way." His voice was cruel as he spoke down to the two. "You're both so brilliant, but the world cannot continue with this poison coursing through it."

Just as his arms moved to strike, his limbs stiffened and his weapons disappeared. He started to rise. But so did she. Stephen turned to his side to see (Y/n), fully glowing and hovering at Mordo's eye level. She was controlling him. His movements were under her instructions. And Stephen could see the fear in his eyes. As much of a relief as it was not to be held down by a sharp blade, he knew she had no control over her own actions. The magic had taken over. She would kill him. And that's something (Y/n) would regret. Stephen scrambled to his feet and reached out for her hand.

"(Y/n), don't."

She turned to him, her eyes flickering back to her normal colour upon seeing his worried expression. She then suddenly registered what she was doing. She was in front of Mordo, holding him captured, and hovering a few feet in the air. That last part caught her by surprise. And as her magic gave in, dying down a few moments after her eyes, the cloak flew off Stephen's shoulders and onto hers, before hovering her back to the ground safely. Mordo on the other hand wasn't as lucky, hitting the floor quite hard. And before they could grab him, he jumped up and walked backwards, through a glowing ring of his own. And he was gone. Again.

(Y/n) reached for her temples. Her head was spinning, throbbing from the extensive use of magic over the past day. Not to mention she was incredibly tired.

"What is going on around here?" She sighed, turning to Stephen who was trying to suppress a small chuckle. There was just something so cute about her features that Stephen momentarily forgot about their encounter with Mordo, and moved to continue the kiss that was interrupted beforehand.


"What do you think he's doing?"

The two sorcerers found themselves in the presence of Wong after their combat, and standing in the sanctum's library.

"I don't know. But this can't be good." Wong replied, his posture clearly reflecting his thoughtful state.

"You don't say." (Y/n) sarcastically quipped.

The other two were thankful that she had started returning to her normal state once again. As annoying as her sarcasm can be at times, her quiet, short-tempered demeanour was much worse. And thankfully, it was a rare occurrence.

"He mentioned something about restoring balance," Stephen informed Wong. This sparked a thought in (Y/n)'s head.

"You don't think..." She trailed off, her gaze now looking to the ground. Her thought had been so horrible that she didn't want to finish it, but something deep within told her it seemed the most likely option given what had just happened.

"He's trying to rid the world of sorcerers."

Stephen and Wong were now staring at her. It made sense. They had all known him long enough to understand his mentality. When Mordo had his mind set on something, that was it. It was solid. And after his epiphany during the battle against Dormammu, finding out The Ancient One had lied to him for so many years, it seemed most likely he would be sent over the edge in rage, seeking his revenge. It didn't seem right to him, and now sorcery and the mystic arts were a stain she left behind.

"That would explain why he just tried to kill us," Stephen added.

"And why we've been noticing a slight drop in sorcerers."

(Y/n) & Stephen looked up at Wong, surprised by his statement.

"Wait, what?"

"There has been an increase in missing sorcerers across the globe. Not a huge amount, but much more consistent and irregular for it not to be connected." Wong said, "We've sent small teams to their last known locations only for them to return with minimal traces of dimensional energy and nothing else. No sign of where they went."

"He's draining them." Stephen said, piecing the information together, "Their power, the energy, he's taking every ounce of it."

"He's taking it all for himself..." (Y/n) spoke, moving a hand over her mouth in realisation. He had become power hungry. Someone she had once considered her brother in battle, had now started a path of vengeance and hunger. He was a powerful sorcerer as is, but stealing away the power of others, would make him a serious threat and danger. He swore to no longer follow this path, the path of the mystic arts, but this, this was a path that would bring destruction and chaos. And betrayal. 

"I guess that's why he felt stronger... and more cocky." Stephen interjected.


And Mordo returns... (⊙o⊙)

So I see we have two plotlines now, this will be fun :) 

Until next time <3

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