Chapter 29 - Don't Tell Me You've Forgotten?

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It had been a few weeks and the two masters had managed to make themselves feel at home. Most of their time was spent learning about the Sanctum and all the duties they had now acquired. Of course, since Stephen was still slightly inexperienced, additional free time was spent with (Y/n) to continue some of his training. But she knew very well that he no longer needed her help. They hadn't had this much time with just the two of them, so naturally they started learning more about each other. Like how Stephen really really enjoyed music; (Y/n) waking up some mornings to find the Sanctum blasting with tunes, which she didn't mind. And how (Y/n) was a pretty decent cook; preparing little meals for the two after their tiring day. And eventually, they found themselves in a little routine. Not everyday was the same, but small things like when they ate meals, or took an hour to study together started becoming a constant. And it was nice, finding themselves in a small little bubble, just the two of them.

After a while, they had started to get the hang of things, and they were becoming quite pleased with themselves, at least Stephen was, (Y/n) always knew there was room for improvement.

Now, in terms of their romantic relationship, not too much has changed. They both found time to spend with each other, occasionally sneaking away for sweet little make out sessions. But other than that, they were just happy with how things were going.

-Stephen's POV-

The sound of the large wooden doors opening had caught mine and (Y/n)'s attention. We were reading in the library, quite contently snuggled up with each other I might add.

"Now, what could that be?" I asked, looking down at her as she peered up from her book to me.

"Let's find out." She said, a slight devilish smirk now across her lips. She pulled herself up then rushed out the door, dragging me along with her.

The door that connected the Sanctum to Kamar-Taj was opened, and in its doorway stood Wong.

"I was wondering how long it would take you both to get here." He said while clutching a couple of books in his arms which (Y/n) greatly accepted from him.

"And what brings you to this side of the Sanctum triangle?" I asked as we made our way to the foyer.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten?" Wong spoke, now looking to (Y/n) slightly worried, "I thought you'd have been preparing by now!"

Confusion plastered both mine & (Y/n)'s face, before realisation hit her.

"That's... uh... this week?" she asked, shyly.

Now most people would give an expression that would read 'facepalm', but Wong actually facepalmed.

"What's this week?" I asked, now fully aware that I was missing some important details.

"Every year, a selected group of novice sorcerers are split between the 3 Sanctums as a sort of mentorship program The Ancient One set up a long long time ago." Wong informed.

"And, you know, since you and I are now masters of one of those Sanctums, that means you and I will be hosting a small group of sorcerers this week." (Y/n) added, a grimace now fully evident on her face. We had been so busy adapting to our new roles that she hadn't even given it a second thought. Her eyes were pleading. I could tell she felt guilty that she had forgotten. In all the time I had known her, she had never once displayed any hint of being disorganised. Now, that didn't mean she was the most organised, but she was very good at looking like it.

"How long?"

"Two weeks, they will arrive on Thursday."

Today was Tuesday.

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