Chapter 40 - You Need to See This

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- Third POV -

"Is she ok?" Wong asked, peering over to Stephen, who was standing next to him.

They were both standing in The Ancient One's sanctuary, watching as (Y/n) sat cross-legged in the centre of it, eyes closed.


Stephen turned and shrugged before they both made their way to (Y/n), finding a place either side of her to sit.

She opened her eyes and the other two were a little startled to see the bright violet light that was now apparent in them. She held out her hands for them, her expression determined, and the other two shared a glance before they accepted.

"Now, Wong, I have to warn you about-"

Hi Wong! It's so nice to meet you!

Wong jumped, hearing Eadin's voice ring through his head. He started frantically searching the room for the source of the voice, only to be met by the amused smirks that adorned (Y/n) & Stephen's face.

I do apologise. Eadin can get quite excitable when experiencing new things.

Ugh. Do you remember the first time we used these powers? Eadin wouldn't stop screaming!


"Wong, I'd like you to meet Eadin, Vysio and Strey." She said, turning to her side and smiling.

With one hand still holding onto hers, Wong rubbed the side of his face, adjusting to the voices in his head. And before he got a chance to start ridiculing her with questions, her and Stephen started to explain.

"They're what's known as Hauntlings. Small parts of her powers that have developed into separate entities over time."

"And we need their help understanding these powers because... I fear something worse is about to happen."

(Y/n) had caught the attention of not only Wong, but Stephen and the Hauntlings.

What do you mean?

She closed her eyes, tightening her grips on Stephen & Wong's hands ever so slightly before the room around them darkened.

I see you're getting the hang of this.

Her eyes fluttered open, now adjusting to the darkened environment of the cave. She moved to stand, pulling up the other two as she did.

"You need to see this."

She directed their attention to the centre of the cave, seeing herself from this morning interacting with Riu.

They watched as everything from her memory replayed. Her mother shifting into Riu, her powers coming alive, the battle for control between her and her Hauntlings, and Timor.

"No! Timor, no!"

Once Riu sent (Y/n) back to the sanctuary, the three of them found themselves being drawn back too. They took a moment to catch their breath before Wong frantically spoke up.

"What was any of that!"

"Ok, so, this morning I found this." She said, showing the other two the piece of parchment that had the incantation and rune. "It led me there and-" She stopped, thoughtful, now seeing the worry plastered on both of their faces, "I think she's still alive."

"Augurium!? The Enchantress?! Agamotto's right hand woman!?"

"Wong, I know it sounds crazy but this can't have been a dream!"

"No, yeah, of course, because they were only alive, I don't know, THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!"

There was a moment of silence before another's voice joined in.

No one knew what happened to her. She disappeared. There is a slight possibility that it really could have been her.

"Just think. If this was real. If all of that was real, then we have a much more serious problem on our hands than how old she would be!"

Wong started to pace. (Y/n) knew he would react like this. Would it have been better to tell him immediately than unload all of this onto him now? Maybe. But it was too late now.

"I don't like this." He said, stopping his pace, turning to face her, seriousness lining every one of his features.

"Oh, yes, because I'm just jumping for joy over this!" She replied, clearly aggravated.

Can I jump too...?


Back in (Y/n)'s room, the three were devising a plan; Wong sitting comfy in her chair, Stephen on her bed and (Y/n) pacing the room.

"Ok, so, let me get this straight. You think you're the last Enchanter alive and the Hauntlings are at risk of becoming poltergeist slaves to a demon of fear?"

Stephen was sitting against her headboard, arms crossed over himself as he spoke. (Y/n) met his thoughtful gaze.

"You got any better ideas?"

"I mean this could all be a dream and we could wake up at any moment." Wong was quick to add, which earned him a glare from her.

"Ok, but even if it were true, how are we supposed to stop a powerful ghost demon from terrorising Earth? I mean, did you see that thing!"

"Says the man who struck a bargain with the Lord of the Dark Dimension." She paned to Stephen, watching as the corner of his lips twitched into a smug little grin, clearly pleased with his past performance.

She said there was only one way to safely get rid of us... Does that mean we could be free?

Strey's voice was inquisitive, not hostile. That was something they hadn't heard before.

Before we can even think about that, we must devise a way to stop Timor.

Stephen watched as a lightbulb lit up in (Y/n)'s head, her (y/e/c) sparkling with realisation.

"The floor. Back in the cave. The runes. That must be it!"

"The reason all past Hauntlings had been dragged down there. Timor safeguards it. Stopping those that tried to free them." Wong spoke, now joining the realisation.

"So we stop Timor, we free the Hauntlings."

"That's easier said than done, Stephen."

She's right. If you want the chance to stop an entity of that size and power, you need help.


I spent all of yesterday finishing the book and I'm really happy with it! I hope you all have been enjoying it!

I'm undecided if I should write the post credit scene as well or not (the Thor Ragnarok scene) so let me know!

I'll try roll out the chapters over the next week or two, so stay tuned! And it means the world to me that you guys have been coming back to continue reading. I appreciate you all so much!

Until next time <3

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