Chapter 32 - You Knew

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- (Y/n)'s POV -


Wake up.

No, let her sleep. You've caused enough trouble.


I opened my eyes, adjusting to the morning sun now streaming in through the curtains. Last night was rough, to say the least. I felt drained like none of my energy was recharged with sleep. No. It felt like I was using up more energy simply laying here with my thoughts. But I wasn't even sure if they were mine...

"Good Morning."

I turned, seeing Stephen cautiously smile at me. Worry laced his tired features, every single one. He was so caring at a time like this. I would have expected him to run, to leave me out of fear, out of ignorance. But no, here he was, waking up in bed next to me after the episode I had just aired. His messy hair was adorable, and if I hadn't been snapped out of my thoughts, I might have lingered on his shirtless physique a little.

Who's this guy?

He seems nice.

I must have jumped slightly when hearing those words as I sat up because he moved away just a tiny bit.


"It's ok. This must be a lot for you to deal with." He said, moving back over and placing the most delicate kiss on my temple. I could feel my heart rate pick up. My face grew hot and my pulse felt loud. He normally had that effect on me. But I now understood this feeling to be something else. As he pulled away, I looked up at him, and I didn't need to ask if my powers were alive, because now, I could see tiny purple specks reflecting off his gorgeous blue eyes, confirming my suspicions. This feeling, like every nerve was firing away, was this power coming alive.

"Whenever you're ready, Wong is expecting us back at Kamar-Taj."


I remember that place.

Of course you. We all do.

I nodded in response, trying to block out those words. They had been stirring in my head all night. It honestly felt exhausting. And after a quiet morning in the sanctum, Stephen and I got ourselves ready to venture back into the temple. And despite all of... this, waking up with Stephen felt quite nice.

There was something inside of me so nervous at the thought of going back. At a time like this, I only wanted to see her. She'd know what to do. Wait, did she already know? It didn't matter now, she was gone. Whatever help she could have given me, was now nowhere to be found.

- Third POV -

As the two masters made their way through the large door separating the sanctum from the temple, they were met with the late afternoon sun and gentle breeze that always signalled the evening was upon them. As they walked through the temple, searching for Wong, they passed a group of students who looked ever so familiar. Both Stephen and (Y/n) raised a hand to wave at the group, the same group who had just spent two weeks with them in the sanctum. The same group that had witnessed (Y/n) lose control of her powers last night. And they returned the kind gesture until they saw (Y/n). Their eyes widened seeing her, and they cowered slightly, not sure if they should be running away or standing as still as possible.

Now, (Y/n) was never one to be rude. At least, not on purpose. If a fellow sorcerer ever stopped her in the halls to chat, she would happily talk, or even a simple smile would be returned. But this feeling, this interaction, it made her feel like a monster. She didn't feel angry. No. She felt disgusted. Disgusted with herself. She had spent so much time and effort making sure these students would return to Kamar-Taj with a new set of skills and reinforced mental and physical will. She prided herself on her teaching abilities. I mean, look at Stephen! That was progress to be proud of for sure. But now, instead of seeing her as their teacher, their mentor, they saw only something to fear.

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