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"Yes, I will cover both stories and get back to you with more deets ASAP," said Paige before ending the call.

She had almost immediately gotten a phone call from her chief editor when she sent pictures of what just occured. Shocked by the news, he instructed Paige to get to the bottom of the story and had a brief summary ready by the end of the day.

It will definitely make for a big story as Paige was there at the scene when the police first arrived. Not to say the murder took place just right beside her room!

All right where do I start?

She wondered if she should stick with her initial plan which was to interview the locals involved in suing the company.

That could be a good idea especially when no one knows yet about what happened to the CEO of the company. I could ask them on their opinion of him and get a more real reaction.

However, another thought suddenly popped up in her mind. She took a step back, rethinking her choice for her next move. It was a small town thus news could have travelled fast and reached everyone ears. Before she could reach a decision, one of the officers approached her and asked for her to follow him.

Wait a minute, am I going to be interrogated? Does that mean I'm officially considered as a suspect?

"Sorry to bother you again Ma'am. But we will have to take your fingerprints and footprint. It's standard procedure in order for us to eliminate you as a suspect."

Paige let out a sigh and held out her hands for the police to take her fingerprints. When they were done taking her prints, she removed the sandals she worn for the police to take her footprints.

She could understand why they would ask for her fingerprints but footprints? The ones she saw in front of her room's doorstep probably belonged to anyone who was 6 foot and above. Paige on the other hand stood at only 5'5.

It took approximately 2 hours for the police to wrap up their investigation and within those 2 hours, more and more people started streaming in just outside the cordon off area. Most of them being the locals of the town.

By then, the police had already moved and bag the body for transportation. The locals, just like Paige, had asked similar burning questions to the officers. The only difference this time was most of the answers given were more vague.

Once the scene had been cleared, Paige let out and audible exhale, relieved that she could finally be in the comfort of her room. That all soon changed the moment she stepped foot inside her room as she felt an eerie atmosphere to it. Shaking her head, she tried her best to suppress the images she saw in the room next to hers that were unfortunately burned into her mind.

Throughout the entire time she stood around waiting for the police to be done with their investigation, she had observed attentively to the people who had arrived at the scene. Even though she preferred to note down details on a notepad, she had typed out several noteworthy details on her phone of almost everyone there.

Why? Since she was sent to 'investigate', she thought why not think like a profiler portrayed in tv shows and movies. That was also only possible with the help of the creepy motel receptionist.

"Fancy seeing you here dear customer," the motel receptionist flashed a toothy grin at Paige. She managed to put on a fake smile and greeted him back.

"Wanna know something crazy?" He asked out of nowhere, piquing Paige's curiosity as she nodded her head in reply.

All for the sake of my assignment!

For some peculiar reasons, he told her all the details about everyone who had stayed in the motel the past few days. When reviewing over the the details he provided, one suspect stood out the most among the list.

Bradley Jones, only son and heir to Aqua Water Works.

According to the motel receptionist, he had used a fake name to get a room and had been staying in one of it for the past few days.

To say Paige was shocked was an understatement. Though no one at that time could recognised him when he was at the scene momentarily, Paige could tell that he bore a striking resemblance to the victim.

Why were both of them here in this smalltown?

The only logical reason Paige could think of was that they were there to address whatever issue they were being sued for. She also thought of how she was going to approach the victim's son to ask questions about both the civil case and his father's homicide.

Paige was about to switch on her laptop she had brought along to do her work when a knock on her room door interrupted her.

Who could it be this time? Please don't tell me it's the police again.

Looking through the peephole, she was shocked to see who it was. She leaned her head back before looking through the peephole again to ensure that her eyes were not playing tricks on her. Slowly, she opened the door and greeted the person who was standing outside her room.

"Hi, what can I do for you sir?" She said nervously.

The man invited himself him in without uttering any word, making his way to sit on the chair she just sat on earlier.

Goosebumps started to appear on Paige's arm. Even though she knew who the man was, she couldn't help but be on alert especially after what had occured in the room next door.

"I'm sorry sir, but if you don't have any good reason to be in my room, I will have to kindly ask you to leave," Paige said after closing the door, slowly making her way to her duffel bag where her gun was.

Paige could only see that he wore a serious expression on his face as he still had not spoke. Fearing for her life, she switched her phone to silent mode and discreetly dialled 911.

"Let's cut to the chase. I know who you are and you damn well know who I am. All I'm asking is for you to cooperate with me," The man finally spoke.

"I-i don't understand? How do you know me? I've never seen you before in my life. And why exactly do I have to cooperate?" Paige stammered, panic setting in at hearing what the man had said.

"I'm a very impatient man so please don't act dumb when we both know how smart you actually are, Paige." She gulped. Beads of sweat started to form on her forehead and her body was shaking slightly from fear.

How the f*ck did he know my name?

The room was so silent that the only sound that could be heard was Paige's shallow breathing.

"Take a deep breath. Stay calm and put your game face on," Paige said to herself.

"O-okay fine, I will drop the act. Now why did you pay a visit to my room Bradley Jones?"

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A/N: Chapter 2 is finally up! Do vote if you enjoyed the story and leave a comment on what you think of the story so far :)

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