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"If you don't mind, can we take this elsewhere? Like maybe at a diner or something cause I'm starving," Paige said trying to convince Bradley to go to a public space.

It only took one look at his expression for Paige to know that her attempt was futile. Paige sighed and sat on the edge of her bed asking him to further elaborate on what he had meant earlier. He was about to speak when the sound of someone's stomach growling interrupted him. To his surprise, Paige was not embarrassed but instead was giving him an 'I told you so' look.

"I will get my secretary to get us something to eat," Paige wanted to roll her eyes but decided against it. She did not want to anger and get on his bad side.

"As I was about to say, I know that you were sent here to cover about the civil case involving my company. All I ask is for you to not mention that I am here in this town." At that, Paige eyebrows rose.

I don't know if he is stupid but wouldn't it be better if he didn't approach me cause I may not know and notice who he was? Also, interesting choice of word for him to say 'my company' because as far as I know, he played very little part in the company when his father was still alive.

"Negative. I already told my boss about you being in town and he definitely wouldn't want me to leave that out," Paige lied. She hadn't actually told her boss but if her boss were to find out she had left it out in her article, she would get an extremely long earful lecture from him.

Oddly, he snickered in response, a slight smirk formed on his lips.

"Are you forgetting who you are talking to? I could shut down your publication company with just a snap of my fingers," Bradley said, snapping his fingers towards the end of his sentence.

"Well then, could you kindly enlighten me as to why I can't include in my article that you were spotted in town? Scared that people will spark rumours that you were the one who killed your father in order to take over the company? Also, is your mum in town as well cause I was pretty sure I heard a man and a woman having sex in the room your father was in. Not much of a family man he painted himself to be isn't he?"

Paige jumped back in shock from the loud sound produced by Bradley. He had banged his right hand that was balled into a fist hard on the table. His knuckles turned white and Paige could tell he was holding back from the way his jaw clenched. Paige was tempted to provoke him further but after calculating her chances of survival, she kept her mouth shut.

"What did you say?" He asked, seething with anger.

"Do you want me to repeat my accusations so you could lunge at me in anger and do god knows what?" Paige sneered.

After saying that, his expression softened a little. He had murmured something under his breath that Paige could not make out.

"Fine. If you want to write about me go ahead. Just don't leave out the part about how you could hear his murderers having fun in the room when he was supposedly long gone." Paige instantly frowned upon hearing Bradley's words.

Is he saying that his father was already dead when I heard all the moaning and grunting?

"Sick bastards," Paige muttered under her breath when she finally put the pieces together.

A knock on her room door made them both cease their conversation. For a moment, Paige had almost forgotten that his secretary will be getting food for them. She quickly took out the gun from her bag and pointed it towards the door, her right index finger ready to pull on the trigger. Upon realising what Paige was doing, Bradley stood up in front of her, holding out his hand and gesturing for Paige to hand over her gun.

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