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"Why do you say so?" Bradley asked, looking at Paige in confusion.

"I'm no professional but..... see this," She replied and showed him where the source of picture of them hugging came from.

"The funny thing is, there are no articles I could find so far mentioning any recent news about you. And I also don't see the picture floating elsewhere except on this fake account of yours," She further explained.

There was a pregnant pause shortly after she said that. Anyone who was present with her at that moment could apprise the gears turning in her head as she silently cogitate.

"Wait a minute. How did your mum get this picture then if this was just posted?" She asked, going quiet towards the end of the sentence when she put the pieces together. Her head turned to look his way, wanting to see how he would react to what she said.

Please don't think I'm blaming your mum for no good reason....

"You've gotta be kidding me," He said in annoyance once he understood what Paige meant. He swiftly took his phone out of his pocket to dial his mum.

Paige could hear him let out a frustrated sigh when his mum didn't picked up, resulting in him throwing his phone. A huge breath of relief left her mouth when she managed to avoid being hit on the face as the phone was thrown in her direction.

"Could you calm down? And geez, at least aim somewhere else! I could have ended up with a nasty bump or something if your phone had hit me!" She exclaimed upsettingly. It was thrown with so much force that there were cracks seen forming on the screen.

"Here, just try to contact your secretary or anyone who might know where your mum might be at," She said, handing back his phone after retrieving it.

He took back his phone and attempted to contact his secretary but much to his dismay, his secretary didn't answer despite several call attempt. That made him threw his phone in a fit of rage again. This time however, down towards the floor.

"You could have at least texted your secretary...." Paige sighed, shaking her head at how childish he behaved. In her mind, she was comparing him to a toddler who was throwing a tantrum.

When she looked back towards him, she could see how hard he was refraining from lashing out after seeing his right hand balled into a fist. It took him a few minutes to simmer down before he picked up his phone from the floor to text his secretary.

About roughly ten minutes later, his secretary finally replied. He immediately sat up from the chair and typed away angrily on his phone upon receiving the text. Paige chuckled seeing him furiously did so as it reminded her of herself when she was mad about something over text.

-TEXT (Bradley's phone) -

Secretary: I just ran into your mum. Why do you ask?

She saw him once again contacting his secretary after he had viewed his secretary's messages. Being the nosy person she was, she discreetly listened in to their conversation.

"Bring her along with you now! I don't care what excuses she comes up with! I need to discuss with her about something important," Bradley yelled over the phone.

After Bradley ended that call, it didn't take long for both his secretary and mum to arrive. He immediately demanded his mum for the truth once she stepped foot into the room.

"I'm sorry Brady. I lied because I didn't want you two to be dismissive about the whole thing and do anything stupid that could ruin the company and our family's reputation...."

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