They're alive

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Cato POV

Priya and I went down to eat sometime later. We both didn't want to but this is one of the few days we'll have something decent to eat.

They butchered some cattle they had in a hidden facility. I don't know much about them but one thing I do know, 13 reaches further into the districts then I thought.

The dining hall was a bland tan color with tables crowded all over the place. They have food open all the time, so it's never a mass amount of people. Quiet for the most part.

" Vad and Macy should be down here somewhere." Pri mumbles looking over the tables.

We found them eventually in a far off corner, which I prefer. I feel all the eyes are on us when we walk in the room. If I could punch every single one, I don't know what's so interesting about looking at us all the time.

Enobaria mentioned they never saw a 2 before, besides in the games. They want to stare because they know we can't kill them. If they stare long enough, one will be.

We sit, I lift my brows in acknowledgement. " How are you guys today?" Macy asks.

" Fine." Pri answers.

Macy looks at me, waiting. " Yea, fine." I mumble.

This hamburger sucked, how can they mess this up?

" Did you guys pass your exams?" Vad asked.

" Yea, we both did."

" I thought I was going to fail. I had that Hawthorne kid." Vad says rolling his eyes. " Good thing your dad was there otherwise I think he'd do it just to spite me."

Speaking of them, he just walked in with 12. Octavia was looking around scanning for someone, like who? No one likes her here.

Gale was also looking, his eyes met with mine. He has some guts, he angles his whole body towards me staring.

I hope eventually I'll get on the sparring mat with him. Then I can't get in trouble if I knock him out.

" Cato." Priya's sharp voice snapped me out of my thinking. I look over unenthused.

" Stop." She says.

" Not doing anything."

" I think we can all tell when you want to start something Hadley." Vad adds. " Not that I blame you on that one." He mentions toward 12.

" What did he even do to get his title? He's 12." I ask.

" When they bombed 12, he got some people out or something. They stayed in the woods until 13 came." Macy elaborated taking a bite of her food.

" So he can't fight."

" He can fight. I've seen it." Macy adds. " He's not half bad."

I take another bite of my food rolling my eyes, I could still beat him.

I wasn't paying attention entirely to what they were saying. I would add in every once in awhile. I normally just listen, they know that.

In the center of the room, there were TV's on all sides of a big pole. They have the Capitol channel on 24/7. Since the fall of the arena they have reports daily.

It was the same statement every 3 hours, I checked. The President giving a speech on the betrayal of the victors with the help of the rebels.

After they played the 10 minute speech Ceasar flashed on the screen. What is he going to report this time?

He was orange, with shiny purple hair, clothes, and makeup. " Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. Here is your daily reports with the rebellion.." He had his same accent, the only thing I noticed was his expression.

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