The Hospital

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Octavia POV

I didn't know whether to thank 2 for their words or hate them. What Enobaria and Cato said about me wasn't false.

I've never been a good liar, I had no reason to lie back in 12, besides hunting. No one ever caught me though to be questioned.

What everyone doesn't know is that I was trying, but..I'm no actress. Cal was the one for that, he was the one who got me through all of it.

But maybe being here on the front lines will be better. It suits me better then standing on that stage yelling the one for two lines they write up for me.

It gets me out of 13, even if it's under these circumstances.

Evageline hands me an ear piece, "Put this in, you'll be able to hear us if we have any concerns or warnings."

" Your not coming?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "No. You can only have so many. I have a quick eye for abnormalities, you have plenty of people to keep you safe. Boggs will be by you the entire time, and Gale."

" Prepare for landing!" Boggs yells throughout the plane.

It was a rough landing, looking out the window the landing strip was almost destroyed having holes everywhere.

But, at last it stops. We unbuckle waiting for Boggs next demand.

" Mockingjay, Hadley, and Hawthorne! I need you front!" Boggs commands. Gale was already by my side, Cato came up silently from behind me.

He looked bothered, but that seemed to be his face since the night we talked.

" Finnick, come behind us. Then you three behind him. The cameras will show every angle so be ready. Also keep a lookout, this is still a war zone!" Boggs says again looking at each and every one of us.

Boggs looks to me, " You ready?"

I nod.

" Good." He says. " We move."

I clutch the bow Beetee gifted me, he pulled me and Gale in a room while the others were getting ready. A special bow that can shoot just as fast as a gun.

But I have different kinds of arrows, regular, fire, and explosive. All color coded by black, red, and yellow.

Gale had the same thing but his was a crossbow, and Cato had a gun. I never saw him shoot, but guessing he's pretty good.

Gale still thinks he could outshoot him, or at least that's what he said.

Stairs retract leading us down into eight, everything was rubble. I could barely make out what everything was like when on tour.

All you can see now is how many streets and alleys this district had. As we walked, I noticed Cato flinching a lot.

He always is so stoic, I see the sweat glisten on his forehead as he scans the area relentlessly.

We reach a tall building with a sloppy 'H' on the door of it.

We're at the hospital, or what remains of the hospital. Boggs walks in lowering his weapon, we all get the cue to do the same.

Some guards approach us with a younger girl in the middle of them, she was dark skinned with bright amber colored eyes that popped.

" Commander Paylor, this is Octavia Avril." Boggs announces.

She doesn't look that old, mid twenties at most. " I'm well aware of who she is." Paylor says pointedly. "Glad to know your actually alive, we weren't so sure with the counters from.." She trails off looking at Cato.

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