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Kaylaya POV

After the cameras cut I needed to sit there for just a second. How did I not kill her? I stabbed her directly in the stomach, she should've bled out!

I was to scared to stand, was this a sick punishment for not killing them? Publicly admit it on TV then die?

I noticed the boy seemed weird, granted we are here...but just his movement or how he talked. It was just different.

Caesar broke his character, his bright smile dulled into something more condescending. " I'll be off." He says dully.

He stands going out of one of the doors. Neffy grabs me with a small smile, " Let's get you back to your room." She says hushly, taking my hand as we stood going tot he same door.

Guards took Callahan, I heard him fight but then a smack filled the air before it was quiet again. Did they just knock him out with one hit?

" Don't look back dear." I hear Neffy whisper. She takes me back to the changing room.

" Did I do ok?" I question once the door shuts.

" You did perfect. It was just the boy who went unscripted." She smiles faintly.

" Is he going to kill me? For not killing them?"

She stops for just a moment. " No, he thought you killed her. We heard the false cannon, everyone in Panem was as equally shocked."

I nod, still petrified. I go back into the white clothes I had on before getting escorted back to my room.

" I'll see you in a couple days." Neffy says. " For another interview."

I nod, " See you then." She gives another nod, I could tell she wanted to hug me or something. Instead, she stiffly turns around continuing her way down the hall.

The guard opens my door, Annie was pressed into the corner of her bed, looking wide eyed at me.

I don't say anything I just go on my bed trying to process what just happened.

" D..Did they hurt you?" She asks quietly. " Before or after the interview?"

I shake my head, " No, they didn't."

She nods, " They came in here after you left. Gave me a shot, I just woke up. I don't know what happened."

I look totally over at her, " They knocked you out?"

She nods, I see her watery eyes. Did they do something to her?

" Nothing hurts does it?"

" No, I feel fine." She whimpers.

" Did you check for any bruises forming?"

She nods again. " Nothing."

I bite the inside of my cheek, then why did they give her a shot?

" Where are they keeping the others?" She asks, I assume she means Callahan. I don't look at the camera in the corner of the room, I know it's always watching.

I shrug, " I don't know, really don't care. I'm not exactly friends with them."

She turns herself away from me, her dark blue eyes stayed on the TV. I rest myself against the wall watching also.

I wonder what Cato is doing right now? Is he alright?

Will I ever see him again?

Maybe if I can truly convince Snow, but seeing how this past year went. It's going to take a miracle for him to pardon Cato. Or let me go for the matter.

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