Meeting with the Tiger's

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"An insult is a weak attempt to make someone feel small"










I exited the restaurant when Mr. D said that we could only go ahead if those bunch of idiots also won their match,

 Why did they think I was here I was not here to give them training.

 I was walking ahead, I heard some footsteps following me but pay no mind to them, that person was going to call me "K-" but got interrupted.

"Oh hello, beautiful where are you going?" A random guy says as he and his friend come in my way of vision.

"And how does this affect you?" that person ask. 

Oh, so it's our so-called team manager.

"Because we can't get a beauty like you going in front of us without even talking ~" one of the guys says as they both start to walk toward her. 

"S-Stay away I-I am warning you." she says as fear spreads on her face. 

She is also like other girls just bold on the outside and weak on the inside. 

An evil grin fills their faces, and she takes a step backward as her back hits a wall.

"Now there is nowhere to go beautiful." one of them says as they take one more forward.

I make myself grip the launcher in case they take one more step forward toward her, I am helping her that is only because she is a girl and she is here to find me, and if something happens to her then those idiots will blame me.

"When did you start worrying about someone blaming you?" Dranzer ask amused. 

One of them tried to take her wrist, I was going to launch but I saw that she pushes herself from the wall and cracked her knuckles with a smirk "I warned you" she said. 

And after 30 seconds both of them are on the ground groaning. 

Ok maybe she is not like others, I Thought while Dranzer was laughing at their faces.

I shake my head before walking ahead, I heard footsteps of her following me, but she didn't speak. She continued walking some steps behind me.

After some time, I asked her, "Why are you here?"

"Kai, we are a team whether you like it or not, and as team manager, I must keep the team united I am sure all others will also be worried about you" she said.

"Kai, you are the captain of this team. I understand that you prefer to work alone and don't enjoy working in groups, but if we want to win, we need to work together and improve their skills. I don't mean to lecture you, but being part of a team means all grow stronger together. If you unite with them, you all can outshine the other teams and maybe even become friends along the way." she spoke. 

"Why do I waste my time on those bunch of idiots when I can use that time to polish my skills? I don't need anyone to make me the strongest, and who cares about friends? They only make you weak," I argued back.

"That's not wasting time, Kai. That's the role of a leader. By polishing the skills of others, you also polish your own skills. Friends never make you weak - they give you strength to carry on. This belief in you proves that you have never experienced a true team experience, real friend is far away." she said. 

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