Battle between Pheoneix

302 22 18

"Things are never lost to you; you are lost to them."







Somewhere ~

A young boy was walking past mountains lost in his thoughts. The sun was not completely out yet, but the boy couldn't care less when he had more important work to do.

"I've got to get Drigger back, there should be some way."

Ahana POV

I woke up quite early today and by quite early I mean at 4:00 a.m.

Usually, I wake up at 5:00, but oh well earlier is better.

I slip on my slippers before going to the attached balcony of my room to get some fresh air, while I was enjoying the fresh air and birds chirping my gaze dart toward the hotel exit to find someone going from there....

Wait is that, Ray? What is he doing this early?

I notice him exiting the doors and going toward the streets.

Maybe he just needs some time alone after all what happen yesterday that all must be hard for him, I enter in my room with my thoughts wandering to last night ....

My gaze dart toward the letter that was slipped below the door. 

Who might have sent it?

I open it and it was from Ray.

Hi Ahana, I am writing to let you know that I will be going outside to fix my mistake and bring Drigger back.

 P.S. I'm glad that you trusted me enough to share your real name with me, since nobody else knows about it.

I press my lips in understanding just as I thought he need some time alone.

I should leave him alone for some time.

I wonder how others will react to Ray's disappearance, to which I got the answer as soon as I step out from my room cause a commotion is going on. 

"HOW CAN HE LEAVE US LIKE THIS!" Tyson exclaims. 

"Ray left us because his bit beast left him, and he thought he was not worthy to be on this team." Kenny explained and tried to calm him down. 

"What happens?" I ask acting completely oblivious toward the situation.

"Ray Leaves us without even saying goodbye we have to find him, Let's go, Kenny please register our team's name we will go and find him." Tyson says as he marches toward the gates. 

"Stop Tyson." A well-known commanding voice comes as Kai comes into view.

"You should go and practice." he said with his usual cold voice, Tyson looked toward him in anger. 

"Are you out of your mind? can't, you see that we are one team member short!" Tyson yelled. 

"Ray will come whenever he wants to, and he is nothing without his bit beast and he will surely find a way to have it back." Kai said as I nodded in agreement after all that is truth. 

"He is right, Tyson, Ray will come when he feels like it, He need some time alone." I say supporting Kai statement.

"It does not matter; I am going to find him." Tyson says as he sprints outside, Max also follows him from behind.

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