Change of Thoughts

238 19 13

 "All things change; nothing perishes."






Hi everyone 

As you all wish here is the Kai POV 

I will mention the name of the chapters for each part 

Hope you will enjoy :)



(Three words and the phone call )

 We just return from the restaurant where we have our dinner as our so called manager order us to sleep early cause we have our flight tomorrow.

As All the other's enter in the room as i was going to enter a voice come

"Kai "

I turn toward her raising my eyebrow to know what happen that she have to talk to me 

She surely is good in masking her emotions Right now also she is standing in front of me with a blank expression but ... her eyes held a glint of nervousness.

"I just want you to know that... I am sorry for saying all that to you earlier, you are right I don't know about you so I should not say something, But Kai you also don't know about me, or my past so don't make assumptions about me. Good night". - She said as fast as those words come out of her mouth she quickly enters in her room and lock the door.

My eyes widen as I heard her saying all that. 

Its first time when someone had apologized from me that also for something that was not totally their fault. 

Wait what the hell I am thinking of course it was her mistake she must apologize after all she have to stay in this team. 

(Team First Battle)

Today is our First match of this Asian championship, and first time in my life i am nervous just a little not about me but about these idiots, after tomorrow training it is obvious that they need more training. 

 Currently we are in the lobby where everyone is seeing their matchups. 

"Well, Well, Well, look what the cat dragged in" - A voice come as we look backward there was the person captain of white tiger.

"Lee"-Ray says coldly.

"You guys are mascots here or what?" - he taunts us.

I roll my eyes and just ignore him i have other works then to banter with him

"Very funny! but we plan to win" - Tyson says

"Yeah .... Dream on" - Lee said

Soon that Kevin and Mariah also join them and start saying how they are in Group E and if we will be lucky enough then we will face them.

"I wonder if you spend your time training or practicing bragging about your so-called amazing skills "- 'Ms. I know everything'  said with a taunting voice.

"Yeah you think whatever you want" - Lee said

"You can not stop me from thinking whatever I want, and I will appreciate it if you will pay mind to your matchups and don't go to random teams bragging about your skills".- she said 

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