Time to Shine ! First Battle !

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"Winning isn't everything, but it beats anything that comes in second."






Ahana POV 

Finally, after taking a flight here, we are here in China Tower where the Asian tournament is held, and saying I am not worried will be a lie.

This is Bladebreaker's first tournament as a team, the white tiger incident has shown some marks on Ray's concentration that I noticed in yesterday's training, and on top of that they only trained fully yesterday.

But according to me, blading requires 3Ds that are -




They are in this team because they are determined and dedicated and keeping them disciplined is mine and Kai's job. 

I just have to keep faith in them that they will win today. 

Currently, we are in the lobby going through our matchups. 

"Kenny feed them in dizzy and sent me a copy" - I said to Kenny while seeing the matchups. 

"OK Destiny ...... Sent" - Kenny said as I receive notification in my tab, I hummed as I received a notification on my tab.

So, we are in Group A, and the white tigers are in Group E this is quite good this means there are only chances of facing them in finals.

"Group A Huh look like we are first" - Ray said while seeing the Matchups while I nodded formulating their order in my mind.

Tyson was exclaiming how excited he was for the tournament and how he was going to defeat everyone.

This person and his overconfident mind 

"Well, Well, Well, look what the cat dragged in" - A deep voice comes, we look forward to seeing Lee and White tigers.

White tigers, just amazing This is what our team needs {note the sarcasm} - I thought annoyed at their timing. 

"Lee"-Ray says coldly.

"You guys are mascots here or what?" - he taunts them.

''Very funny! but we plan to win ''- Tyson says. 

''Yeah .... Dream on'' - Lee said.

Soon Kevin and Mariah also join them and start saying how they are in Group E and if we are lucky enough then we will face them.

"I wonder if you spend your time training or practicing bragging about your so-called amazing skills" - I said with a taunting voice while tilting my head because I have enough of their bullshit now.

"Yeah, you think whatever you want "- Lee said while rolling his eyes.

"You cannot stop me from thinking whatever I want, and I will appreciate it if you pay mind to your matchups and don't go to random teams bragging about your skills."- I said with a cold glare to them.

Lee scoffed as he turned toward Ray -

"We don't go easy on traitors Ray! remember that. "

"And we will not go easy on anyone" - Ray said as the white tiger finally went from here.

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