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Anaheim, CA

Jamie is forcing me to go to the Ducks game today. If it was any other game, I would've went because I'm a huge Ducks fan, but today is a different story. I was going to watch the game from my couch because I woke up with the worst migraine, but my best friend doesn't care that my head is going to kill me.

"Cheer up, V." What's even worse is, Jamie is out for the rest of the season with an injury so I have to drive.

"My head is killing me, Jamie. I can't even have Advil for another two hours." I state. I have some in my purse that I'll definitely be needing during the game. The loud crowds don't make it any better.

"Just get a drink when we get there, that'll take the edge off." He states.

"What do you know about taking the edge off? You're 20, dingus."

"All of my friends are above the age of 21, I know how to get alcohol." He says.

"I could send you to jail for that, you know." I know, and he knows, that I would never send him to jail.

"The guy with the torn shoulder is getting sent to jail, you're very ableist, Aurora Venus."

"I'm not ableist, I just don't like people doing illegal things." I stop at a red light.

"Weren't you the one who was smoking weed with Z?"

"It was peer pressure." I state. It wasn't really peer pressure, but I was drunk. I don't really remember much from that night.

"Mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night." The light turns green and I make a left. Traffic isn't as bad as it usually is, but anyone who lives in a state that isn't California would think this is too much.

@auroravenus posted on Instagram

@auroravenus posted on Instagram

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