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Anaheim, CA

I roll over, it's dark outside. I definitely fell asleep. I went to lay down around 7, and I must've been asleep for a few hours. I check my phone, it's almost midnight. Trevor isn't here, he's on a roadie. Actually, he might be back now, I don't know when the team flies back in.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I should probably go back to sleep, but I can't ignore my stomach growling. I groan getting out of bed, because I honestly don't want to. My oversized Ducks hoodie makes me feel a little more comfortable.

I go to the kitchen to find something to eat, and I thought I would be doing it alone, but Trevor is sitting at the island with a bowl of cereal.

I grab a bowl and spoon out of the cupboard and drawer and eat whatever cereal he's eating. I love Lucky Charms. I sit down at the third chair on the island, he sits in the first one.

"When did you get back?" I ask before taking a bite of the cereal. It's dark, but neither of us bother turning on any lights.

"About an hour ago, you were asleep when I came in." He states. Out of the 3 game roadie, the Ducks won 2 of them.

"What's your favorite meal?" I ask him out of the blue.

"Cereal, breakfast is the best meal of the day. But I think breakfast tastes better at midnight." He says.

It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight.

I ignore the thought that came into my head. "Favorite cereal?" I ask.

"Lucky Charms. I would eat just the marshmallows if I could." He states. He finishes his cereal and starts to drink the milk.

"I think the marshmallows are low key overrated." I say.

He chokes on his milk. "Are you okay?" I ask. He has a hand on his chest, the other one gripping the island.

"How," He coughs again. "Can you say that? The marshmallows are the best part."

"I don't know.. I just think the actual cereal part goes too unnoticed. Everyone is always paying attention to the colorful, exciting, sweet stuff instead of the actual cereal part." I say. Then I realize that turned into a metaphor really quickly.

"Sorry.. that was stupid." I say. He just asked why I think the marshmallows are overrated and I had to turn it into a metaphor.

"I think it's cool how you think so deeply about things, it shows you're not shallow." He states.

"You think? Most people just say I talk too much." I say. I recall the countless amount of times someone has told me to stop talking.

"I talk a lot, too. I don't think it's a bad thing, honestly." He says. "Fuck what other people think, anyway."

"Do you remember that game against the Leafs? You got in a fight..." My voice trails off. Honestly, it's been eating at me this whole week. Auston isn't rude, I don't know what happened.

"He was just being an ass, that's all." He says. I know Auston, he wouldn't act rude without a reason.

"I know Matthews, he wouldn't be an asshole for no reason." I state. Maybe I'm overthinking things and it really was nothing.

He stands up from the island, puts my bowl and his in the sink. After he puts the cereal in the pantry and while he's putting the milk in the fridge, he says, "I saw the way he was looking at you, I didn't like it."

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