Chapter 5

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"Come down, I'm outside your house" I tell zaina over the phone 
"what is wrong with you" she say annoyed as she makes her way down.
"You know if you were a guy, you would have sounded like a possessive boyfriend" she tells me, like she would date a guy like me.
I roll my eyes. I have cooled down from my panic attack but I want to talk to someone about this.
"So what's up" she ask as she sits on the last steps that leads to her front door.

"Wow that's sweet" she always find a way to say thing that I don't want to hear
"What sweet about that?" I ask clearly annoyed.
"You know I don't want anything to do with marriage especially not at this age" like for real I'm only 18 and I don't want to be bonded to marriage I want to do a lot in life and marriage isn't on the  top.
"Ugh" I say frustrated.
I wonder how my brother feels.
From the way he took off I bet he feels betrayed in some way. But I wouldn't blame him. I'm glad they were given I choice but if Haider rejects the proposal then Aleena will be heartbroken. You could tell she had been waiting for this moment her entire life even though in-front of everyone she acted hurt. I roll my eyes thinking about her dramatic reaction. What an idiot.

Haiders POV
I drive down to Tim's I can't explain how happy I am. Honestly. I just can't stop smiling.
"Hey what's up" I say to Alex behind the counter.
"What's up man, you look really happy"
"yah I am" I keep replaying this afternoon over and over.
"Looks like it's a girl thing" man this guy knows everything.
"It is and I want my original order the same old one" I tell him as I lean over the counter.
"Man who's the girl, you better tell me" I chuckle, I love this guy.
"She's my cousin and she's hella cute" I tell him
"ooo damn.lucky how you guys can marry your cousin" he's such an idiot.

I know my reaction was dramatic. And the way I left the house was extremely dramatic but I couldn't let Saad see me because then I would loose the bet. A while ago we made a bet. Him betting that I like his sister and me betting that he liked mine. Kinda weird I know. But anyways after me and Aleena it's his turn and in the end we both loose so it doesn't really matter.
Today,I can literally kiss my uncle, He made things so easy for me. Now, sure I hadn't knows what she looked like since I hadn't seen her in years  and I was in fact completely shocked but her beauty but she's been my childhood crush, it's hard to get over things like these. As a child I have always looked after her and also have a pic of us together saved in  my phone, I simply love it.
The way she was hanging over my neck to pull me down closer to her since I was tall back then too. Honestly I'm very confident that she likes me as-well but I can't help thinking the "what if she doesn't like me" question.

Aleena's POV
Ahhhhh. I'm sooo happy. Can you believe it I'm totally getting married to my hot handsome cousin. Like this can not be real. God please let this be real. I hope he says yes. I don't want to be heartbroken. Should I text him, I should. I pick my phone up and click on Haiders phone number. On second thought's maybe I shouldn't. I should wait for him to come home. Yah that's a better idea.
I'm bored I wonder where daniya ran off to. I swear she was acting like they were talking about her marriage and not mine. I know how she has big plans in life and no way in hell is she getting married at 18. Not even if it's the hottest guy on planet earth. I roll over to my back and dial in Daniya's number. "Hi" I say making sure she's out of her panic attack. Sometimes when people are in a panic attack you gotta let them go.
"Heyyy" she says in a very sus tone.
"When are you coming home I'm bored" I can hear another voice over the phone that isn't her's
  "I'm coming" she say clearly trying to shush the voice.
Is it a guy? I think to my self and soon enough I also think it out and word it "Are you with a guy?" I ask.
"What. No. why would you say that" she ask maybe defensively.
  "Alright if you say so"
"it's not a guy. Aleena" she try to explain. Yup it's definitely a guy.
"Alright I got it. Please come home I'm extremely bored" I tell her trying not to beg. Which I clearly did. She ends the call. I guess that's a I'm coming. I shrug and head downstairs.

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