Chapter 23

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Daniya's POV
All six of us got into the big car. Saad was driving and Noor forced me into the front passenger seat.

"Can we get ice cream" Zoha asked and we all agreed.

Their was an ice cream store open Saad took us their.

"Alright let's go" Saad said instructing everyone to go outside.

We ordered our ice-creams. Saad choose chocolate while I chose mango.

Now we are both leaning on the front hood of the car eating ice cream while the others are inside still ordering.

"Is it nice" Saad said breaking the silence.
"Yah" I say taking a bite out of my ice cream.
He stand up straight then moves  in front of me.
"Uh you what something" I ask him as I stop eating my ice cream and look up to him.
"Yah, I actually do want something" he says. Then he suddenly leans in making my heart skip a beat. He goes straight for my ice cream and takes a big bit. 
"Nice" he says as he goes back to his original spot, totally un effected. 
What the hell just happened! Did he just eat the ice cream I had licked all over. What the hellllll. I look at him still shocked.
He's so calmly eating his ice cream
"Want some?" He says offering his ice cream. I simply stare at him trying to get a hang of things.

What's going on? still lost in thoughts , i start eating my ice cream. Then i stop. He just took a bite out of it i think. And my thoughts go straight to "indirect kiss" and I blush. Did I just have an indirect kiss with Saad. Gosh I'm so weird. Like shut up Daniya. 

"Don't marry him" Saad says out of nowhere.
I look at him confused.
"Marry who?" I ask totally forgetting the incident that happened at the wedding.
"Anyone. Don't marry anyone" he says so calmly and softly. I feel my lips twitching into a smile. He doesn't want me to marry anyone?
"Why?" I ask to annoy him .
"I think you know why" he says looking straight into my eyes. Of course I know, but i want you to tell me why. i say it in my head no being able to say it out loud.

"Let's gooo" Zoha says running out of the shop with her ice cream. We break eye contact and sit in the car. The ride back home gets so quite. But one thing I know for sure is that Saad likes me. He definitely likes me. And to be honest I think I like him too. I can imagine a future with him and I see my self happy in it.

The next day Haider and Aleena are back home we have a nice breakfast. Today is a chill day we watch movies and play games all day.

Its Finally night and to be honest I'm actually curious about Aleena's first night.

As we get into bed I ask aleena very teasingly "so what happened after we left". 
She blushes.
"Nothing" she says not looking into my eyes
"What do you mean nothing? You better tell me everything." I say as she turn towards me
"Ok ok, nothing intimate happened but like he kissed my cheek" she says as she gets excited.
I scream in excitement. Ok that's cute.
"Then he just pulled me into his arm and we fell asleep." She tells me and I hug her.
"Gosh that's sooo cute" I tell her.                                                                                                                            "but i think its better you don't tell me anything else after" i say thinking about how weird it would be.

The next week went by fast as the guest started leaving one by be.
The walima is going to happen in the uk so everyone is probably heading there. On the other hand Aleena's family and mines will go together to uk on the plane.
I'm kinda excited, I've always wanted to see Uk but never got the chance.

We have packed up. Tomorrow is "Let's go to Uk"!!

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