12 • 'The Peacemaker'

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"You need to talk to her Leo," Neymar says taking a seat beside the older man "if you would let me talk to you I could explain the whole situation"

"Ney, I don't feel like talking right now," Leo sighs "don't take it personally I'm just really tired"

"Don't talk then," Neymar insists "just listen"

"Make it quick" Leo sighs

"The woman we saw at the cafe wasn't V, I mean it was her but it wasnt" he says quickly "she was there but she wasn't the woman we saw, Leo she didn't kiss anyone" Neymar laughs "you still have a chance, but if you keep waiting around then someone else is going to take that opportunity" he sighs getting up and leaving.

Lionel was left processing the new information, he knew he really had no right to get mad, regardless of if she really did kiss someone else because in reality they were nothing but friends. He knew he had messed up and he hoped it wasn't too late to apologize. She had become an essential part of his life so he missed having her around, Leo knew he had to fix things but he wasn't sure how to.


neymar 🇧🇷

neymar 🇧🇷
hola v

hola neycito

neymar 🇧🇷
you should talk with leo

what about

neymar 🇧🇷
oh come on


neymar 🇧🇷
just ask to talk and he'll apologize for being stupid

i dont think he wants to talk ney
he avoided me last time i saw him
he stopped liking my posts and im pretty sure he blocked me on pinterest

neymar 🇧🇷

yes, we share a board and now for some reason i cant access it

neymar 🇧🇷
you guys are something else
leo got over it
he will talk to you
he's gonna start liking your stuff and commenting again
just plz talk to him

did you convince him to ttm too?

neymar 🇧🇷

are you like a therapist ney?

neymar 🇧🇷
They call me 'The Peacemaker"

ok fine ill figure something out
ty ney

neymar 🇧🇷
at your service madam

ew dont call me that


LEO HAD BEEN DEBATING on how to apoplogize to Ivana but he couldn't come with a solution on his own so he roped in his friends.

"So Leo," Neymar began, "I see you've run out of options and decided on consulting The Peacemaker and his assistant The Muncher" he smiles

"The Muncher?!" Luis asks enraged

"Quiet" Neymar says "at least I didn't call you the vampire"

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