Eighteen and One Day

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It's a good thing my actual birthday wasn't all that momentous.

Because the day after my birthday is an epic.

Starting with my 3:00 AM diversion which takes an unexpected turn, ending in the backseat of Bud's car. In my fantasy, the size fourteen thing is not a myth, by the way.

The cold shower I take in the morning does nothing to prevent my skin from turning on when Bud arrives for our DGLS briefing. His new hair is rumpled from sleep and I'm sorry, but that's hot as hell.

I'm late picking Marcus up because Joshua texts me while I'm driving, and when I pull over on the side of the road to read it, my tires get stuck in February thaw mud. And all the text says is:

Joshua: Hope you had a good day yesterday. Let me know when you want to get that tattoo.

I consider sending him the photo of me and Bud and stop myself because I'm worried it will make him jealous. Why would it make him jealous? And why do I care if it does?

Marcus is so happy to see me it breaks my heart into fifty pieces. I don't open my mouth the whole ride to my house (except to say thank you when he tells me my hair looks great) because I'm afraid I'll confess I'm taking Tom away from him after today's rendezvous.

Bud is waiting for us at the house--he should be headed to church by now--and I'm not prepared for another round of skin tingles I can't rub off (no pun intended). I also can't stop Marcus from seeing him. Tom wasn't kidding. Marcus is entranced by Bud's transformation. I drag Marcus away, reminding him that Tom is waiting, and then avoid eye contact with Bud for two minutes while he tells me what a good friend I am, that Tom and Marcus will understand, and the DGLS will find the two of them a new place to "make love". I shove him into his car and off to church. Because he can't just say the words "make love" to me. Not after everything that didn't actually happen between us in his car this morning.

I'm sitting in my car alone, thinking of dry toast and wet mops, when I get a text from Tom.

Tom: Your washing machine is overflowing. Need help.

What the hell is happening?

I hurry through the front door and stop short at the top of the basement stairs.

"Are you guys decent?" I ask into the darkness.

No answer.

I hulk growl and stomp down the stairs, hoping the sound of my arrival is enough to get their pants back on. I reach the bottom and swat at the wall until my hand finds the light switch.


I scream and nearly wet myself. When I uncover my eyes, I find everyone in my parents' basement, including my parents. My brother, who must have driven all night to get here, Joshua's parents, Joshua, NOT Ali, Kendall, Lilliana, Tom, Marcus, and Mr. Bressler, my art teacher.

The only person I don't see is Bud, and in between hugs and kisses and people touching my hair, I'm panicking. Did they not invite Bud to my surprise party? I don't want to sound ungrateful by asking where he is. It would be like getting a new car as a gift and then asking, "Okay cool, but where's my blond yacht?"

I make the rounds, making sure I give everyone ample time to love on me in whatever way is appropriate based on our relationship status.

Kendall assures me in private he's feeling good, and hoping his current MS remission lasts him through graduation. I'm hoping longer. Much longer.

Tom says he talked to my parents and thanked them. He and Marcus made the decision on their own to stop taking advantage of our hospitality. Marcus turns eighteen in April, and they're going to hold out for each other until then, when Tom thinks Marcus will be ready to stand up to his dad and leave home. I hope he's not setting himself up for disappointment.

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