Spring Forward

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Dot: You awake?

Bud: Yes. Shouldn't you be fantasizing right now?

Dot: I'm trying not to do that anymore.

Bud: Happy to be your cold shower anytime.

Dot: You're not my cold shower, Bud. And you know it.

Bud: I know nothing.

Dot: They both got to me today.

Bud: Who did?

Dot: Joshua and Ali.

Bud: At the same time?!

Dot: No. I got to have my ass kicked twice in one day.

Bud: I'm too tired to do emojis. But they're angry. And vengeful. And poop.

Dot: 😊

Bud: How are you feeling?

Dot: Angry. Vengeful. Poop.

Bud: Pancakes or Dirty Dancing?

Dot: Both.

Bud: You got it. I can reserve "the theater" for us tomorrow night.

Dot: Seriously? You want me back at your house?

Bud: My mom really likes you.

Dot: Is she the only one?

Bud: uhhhhh....

Dot: I heard what you've been doing for Tom and Marcus.

Bud: I don't know what you're talking about.

Dot: Bud?

Bud: zzzzzz

Dot: Dorothea?

Bud: That's classified.

Dot: Okay. See you tomorrow.

Bud: Sweet dreams.

Dot: You too.

Bud: ❤️

* * * * *

"We could have avoided all this if I was at your house when Josh showed up all sad, wet dog style on your doorstep," Bud says, pouring syrup over his pancakes.

"What difference would that have made?" I ask. "Then we'd be dealing with the awkwardness that comes after a three-way."

"Wow. That's not what I meant," he says, blushing like a madman. "And you don't know it would be awkward. Maybe it would bring the three of us closer together."

"New topic, please," I say with my mouthful.

"I didn't choose the three-way topic." He smiles. "You did. I was trying to say I could've helped you guys, like, figure out where your heads and hearts were. Like a love mediator. So, you wouldn't just be thinking with your dicks."

"I don't have a dick."

"Yeah, you do."

I laugh. "It's okay, Bud. Joshua and I are adults. We had every opportunity to act like it."

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