|08|: Silence/خاموشی

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The car stopped at the house and Safa sighed. She smiled at Kamal Chacha who passed her a small smile of his own. She got off the car and thanked him

"Thank you, Chacha." He shrugged and patted her head through the window. She bade him farewell and entered her house. It was unusually quiet. Mostly Bua Ji would be in the kitchen right then and making some lunch. She briskly walked inside and kept her tote bag on the sofa. Her first instincts were to check up on Bua Ji. She's been terribly missing her daughter. She walked towards her room. It was a small room. Bua Ji was not very fond of so much furniture. Her room consisted of only a bed and a little cupboard with a matching small table.

Safa peeked inside the open door and found the old lady busy in packing her clothes. She smiled. She wanted Bua Ji to go visit her daughter.

She didn't want to be a burden and stop her from meeting her own blood.

"Asalamoaliukm." The old lady craned her neck and beamed at her. Safa couldn't help but hug her Bua Ji from behind. Keeping her chin on her shoulder, she asked

"You finally decided to go." Bua Ji hummed. Her happiness and joy was visible in her eyes. They were shining with a different kind of glint. Safa's heart bloomed warmly at the sight of her favourite lady. Bua Ji means a lot to her. She can never repay her for her kindness. The day she took her in when Hammad knocked at her door will be forever imprinted in her mind.

At first she was scared of her. Waiting for her to lash out at her for being an unwanted burden. But that day never came and will never come. What she does not know is that Bua Ji has a heart of gold. She was the God fearing woman and looking down upon the creation of her Allah, Her Khaliq was the biggest sin in her opinion.

"But you'll be coming with me." Safa tsked and said

"You know I can't." Bua Ji huffed and said

"Why not? Bacche tumhen akela kese chor don?"
(Child how do I leave you alone)

Grasping the old lady's hand, Safa said

"I have exams coming up soon. Plus you need to reconnect with your daughter. I'll only be an excessive source of attention."

Her words didn't settle well with the kind heart of Bua Ji. She knows that Safa still blames herself for everything. She needs to understand that she is not intruding her life. She caressed the young girl's head and tried to make her understand softly

"Safa, how will you live alone? Trust me you won't be intruding."

There she goes again.

How can Safa think that Bua Ji will not catch her lie. Of course, she knows her the best. It's partially true that Safa don't want to intrude her quality time with her only offspring. But it's also true that she can't leave now. Her exams are only around the corner. She can't enjoy a vacation right now.

"I'll manage. Don't worry I'll go with you again in the future." She cocked her eyebrows when Bua Ji didn't say anything for a while. She could see the worry lines forming on her forehead and that was the last things she wanted her to be, so she held her hand and said

"I swear I'll be fine." Finally a sigh escaped Bua Ji's lips and Safa beamed.

She won!

"Come on now let's help you packing."

The packing was almost done. Bua Ji was having a two weeks long stay at her daughter's. Meanwhile, Safa will have to manage alone at home. Although the thought terrified her, but she stood her guard. She can't possibly stop Bua Ji from meeting her own flesh and blood. It's time she learns to live on her own. Even if it's for a little while. It won't be hard living on her own for a short span of fourteen days. Bua Ji will be back with her in no time.

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