|14|: Rumour/افواہ

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It was dark outside. The rain was pattering heavily against the fragile windows. Those tiny little drops of water were making a banging sound on the roof. The thunder was making the dark night scarier than it already was. The roar of the clouds and the hoofing sound on the roof disturbed Safa's slumber. She groaned and opened her eyes. Beside her, her mother was sleeping soundlessly. She glanced at the windows which were open. She sighed and placed her steps down on the floor. Reaching towards the windows, she closed them.

Glancing at the clock, she find it close to midnight. Her brother wasn't home. She grew agitated as the rain was slowly converting into a storm. Just when she could drown herself in anymore misery, she heard the faint knock at the door. Covering her form with a shawl, she walked towards the main gate, opening the door, she found her brother drenched in rain. She hissed and was about to scold him when he cut her off

"I have a guest." Safa looked more closely and her breath got caught in her throat. There stood her nightmare in all his glory. Her breathing ragged and her steps faltered. She saw those disgusting eyes raking over her shawl cladded figure and those vicious lips curled up in a sinister smirk and she heard a hoarse

"Hello, darling."

Safa bolted upright on the bed. She was panting hard. Sweat covered her features and her hair were sticking to her neck like glue. She frantically poured herself a glass of water and drank hastily. Almost spilling it. After she calmed down a bit, she closed her eyes and rest her head on her knees.

These nightmares are back. After a whole lot of months, they are back to haunt her again. To steal whatever tranquility she has. She was there once again where she started from. Everything was repeating itself. She ran a hand through her dark straight hair and tried to relax by taking deep inhales of oxygen. It was only ten in the night, but it felt like it was midnight. Goosebumps arose on her skin, but she refused to give in to her vulnerable state.

I'm strong.
I can get through this.
You're not a little girl anymore.

She chanted those sentences like a mantra and laid back down on the bed. Covering herself with her duvet she recited Ayat Al Kursi and wished for a dreamless sleep.

The weather was sunny. It wasn't that much hot, but the little cool breeze was blowing making today a beautiful day. Safa got up as usual on her regular time. Today was her second exam. She didn't want to be a cry baby and hide in the dark corner of her soul, so she buried all those negative thoughts in the extreme back of her mind and focused on her present.

On what really matters.

After having a small breakfast, she headed to her university. Kamal Chacha was there already at the front gates waiting for her. She plastered a fake smile on her face to pretend that she was fine. That she wasn't being rotten inside. That she was still alive and blossoming. But she knew the truth and she chose to ignore it.

The cars tyres screech against the ground and she stepped out of it. Giving a wave to Kamal Chacha, she entered her university. She tried her best not to pay attention to any of the other students. The incident three days ago was still fresh in her mind. She just wished it's taken care of. She can't afford things taking a three sixty degree turn. With composted steps and a hesitant mind she entered the exam hall. Taking her assigned seat, she busied herself in staring into space, so that the monsters stay where they belong. In the dark.

A gentle tap on her shoulder jerked her and she craned her neck to see a girl looming over her chair. Safa confusedly looked at her and said

"Yes?" The girl hissed and asked instead

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