|13|: Photographs/تصاویر

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"Your offer seems divine. It would surely be a masterpiece to work upon."

Subhan heard the man sitting in front of him say. Waleed Hashim, one of the renowned names in the history of business. His empire was spread to a greater vastness. Hotels, hospitals, charities, schools and what not. He has provides his services in almost every virtue of life. Waleed Hashim is the business man everyone is desperate to work with. He has taste and an eye to catch emerging talent from even the first meeting itself. He was everything Subhan desired.

He was passionate about his work. He was one of those rare people of the world who actually are working for the good of humanity. For the benefit of humankind. For seeking Allah's raza.

"It will be a pleasure to work with you too. I hope you find it interesting enough to sign a contract with us."

Subhan stated. He was calm on the outside, but his insides were resembling a violent sea. With tides touching the sky. His heart was in his stomach. His mind was occupied with all the negative thoughts, but he maintained his composure. He can't lose control.

Not now.

"Of course. I would be honoured to take part in this project."

A delightful sigh escaped his lips and he stood up to shake hand with the man. Mr. Waleed smiled at the young enthusiastic man before him and can't help, but compliment

"You seem like a really excited person. Wild if I'm honest. That's something I really like. Passion to face the world without giving much thought on the outcome."

He laughed lightly at his judgement and said

"It really is true what people say about you. A hidden magic."

A full laugh escaped past Mr. Waleed's lips and he patted Subhan on his shoulder. Subhan walked with him to the door and the two gentleman bade farewell on good terms.

Subhan opened his cabin's door and immediately heard someone say to him

"You're beaming like a teenage girl in love."

Altamash raised his eyes from the magazine he was just reading to kill his boredom. He only heard his best friend huff and say

"You pay close attention to teenage girls in love." Altamash clicked his tongue in annoyance and asked

"Will you tell me how the meeting went, Your Highness?"


Subhan glared at the man which is his best friend. Why did he befriend him in the first place?

"The meeting went well. He is ready to work with us." Subhan stated with zero emotion. He stumbled upon his feet when a pillow made a graceful appearance on his face.

"What the hell?" He roared upon seeing the nonchalant expression on the man sitting oh so casually at the sofa.

"Thats for being a dramatic jerk." Subhan rolled his eyes and take a seat on his office chair. He likes it. The cozy material, the dark rich colour always motivated him to push his limits. Because his brother believed in him that much to give him that chair.

He can't let him down. He can't lose control.
Not now.

"Mr. Waleed has agreed to work with us on the Noorie project. I believe with him as our mentor, we will flourish."

He said to Altamash. That man shrugged and sprawled further on the sofa. Almost occupying half of it. With a height of 6'4, he resembled a tower and always come to people as intimidating. Which he likes. He wasn't like this before. But the events in his life changed him. For better or for worse, he doesn't give a damn.

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