|40|: Wrath/غصہ

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Subhan glanced at his watch for the umpteenth time. But the time seemed to stuck at one place. There was this feeling in his gut telling him something which he couldn't quite decipher. He can't understand the meaning behind that anxious tickle he felt in his stomach since the minute he arrived at this meeting with the feudal lords. Fortunately, they have agreed to meet him to discuss what to do with the land.

"What do you say?"

His head snapped in the direction of one of them and he sighed.

"I'm afraid I don't quite agree with your proposition."

A frown marred the man's features and his gaze immediately hardened

"Apni had mae raho, larke. Tum abhi bht kacche dimag ke hu."
(Stay in your limits boy. You're still inexperienced)

He heaved a sigh. No wonder, it's hard dealing with them. He already knew that it will take many efforts to get them to agree to his terms.

"I am inexperienced. But you're not right too. Why you're keeping a school from building there? It will serve you all better in the great run. The education will be free and students will learn all the new technologies."

On his reply, all of the men fell silent. Subhan took it as a good sign. If they're quiet that means they're thinking. Considering his prospect. And that's exactly what he desires. Their consent.

"What about the other business man?"

His ears caught up at a hushed whisper. Frowning, he asked

"What other business man?"

The four of them looked surprised at his question and the one who asked the question answered

"There's another business man wanting to claim the property."

Subhan's brows drew closer. The land was purchased by his company and that makes him the owner of it. How can someone else claim it? And why he never knew of that?

"Who is this business man?"

He questioned but the man kept tight lipped increasing his frustration. His mind was already worried about Safa. She hasn't texted him yet he was starting to get immensely worried.

"He came here only twice or thrice, but he has agreed to pay us a larger sum than you could."

Taming down his anger, he said

"That land is my property. That means I have the rights for it. Me and no one else."

The feudal lords again fell into deep silence before finally speaking to him

"We agree to your terms. But we need validation of our safety. The area is not well secured as you already are aware of. We need to be sure that our children will be safe."

A huge burden lifted off his shoulders as he heard their reply. This was what his brother was working for. Finally a happy grin marred his lips. His brother's dream will be fulfilled. The project he spent days and nights on will finally come to fruition. Standing up, he shook hands with the feudal lords thanking them for their consent and assuring them

"Your children are my responsibility. They will receive only the best of education."

The feudal lords passed him a nod before he finally made his way towards his car. His phone rang in his pocket and he heaved a relieved sigh when he saw his wife's name.

"Goodness, are you home?" He asked. But all his peace and calmness went out of the window when he heard her whimper

"What happened? Are you okay, Safa?"

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