|41|: Identity/شناخت

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Safa could hear the faint hush of whispers but she couldn't register anything in her mind. Like the voices were there and she clearly felt the presence of someone, but she couldn't able to open her eyes. It was almost like they were glued shut. No matter how much she wanted to open them. She tried to move her body, but it seemed like an impossible task because a painful shot of ache went through her body. She gasped lowly and then heard the room go silent. She felt someone hoovering over her. Again she tried to move or at least just able to look at the person, but all her efforts met the same fate of futility.

"You beat her up badly." The sentence registered in her mind making her frown mentally. This new voice was unknown. She felt a touch on her jaw where a nasty bruise was appearing.

"She deserved it. She'll come to her senses in a while or a day."

That was the last thing, she heard before complete numbness overpowered her little sense of surroundings.

The next time she opened her eyes, she found herself tied to a pipe with literal handcuffs. She restrained against them but they were cuffed so tightly that they were biting her skin. She ignored the flash of pain and the ache that was too prominent in her lower abdomen area. She glanced around the room. It was empty mostly. Just discarded boxes here and there and some pipes lined the wall. It looked like she was in an abandoned factory or something. On the far end of the corner was a big metallic door. There were no windows. No means for her to escape. Just this dirty old room. It smelled like oil and rust. She put her head back against the wall and hissed when her swollen cheek touched the cracked wall. She couldn't even touch her own face as her hands were cuffed. A sudden wave of helplessness hit her and her eyes started to burn with tears. She has no idea how long she's been here for. She remembered talking to Subhan, but he must have didn't make it in time. The mere thought constricted her heart and a jab settled in her chest.

What if I never see him again? What about my family? I haven't even properly apologized.

All sorts of assumptions and possible outcomes were running in her mind. She closed her eyes trying to escape her bitter reality when the door rattled. She became immediately alert and sat with her spine straight. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction to see her vulnerable. The door opened and small yellowish light illuminated the silhouette of his body. A new amount of anger covered her form and she felt this sudden urge to swing at him. Pasha walked towards her and knelt before her. She moved her legs away. A disgusting expression constantly marred her face.

"You're awake."

She ignored him and instead focus on the wall behind him. She felt his fingers trying to hold her chin, but she backed away settling him with another disgusting glare. He sighed and made himself comfortable, sitting cross legged in front of her.

"Here have some food."

Only then she noticed the plate he has in his hand. She was so angry and alarmed by his arrival that she didn't pay any heed to his hand or the plate he was carrying. He forwarded the morsel to her, but she backed away again.

"Stop with your attitude. Eat up."

He suddenly snapped while shoving the bite into her mouth. She coughed and then spit it out. She didn't fail to notice the tick of his jaw and that somehow satisfied her. It was nice to see him distressed when all has he ever done is make her life living hell. A surprised gasp escaped her lips when he grabbed fistful of her hairs. She cried out in pain when he tugged harder.

"Remember you're not the one in control. It's me. Always has been, always will be."

He shoved her head away with a jerk and stood up taking the plate away with him. The door banged shut and she put her head against the wall. She again heard whisperings. Faint shouting came through the door and she frowned.

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