Ch 2

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They arrived startlingly quickly, I'd barely sat down on the sofa when a knock sounded at the door. It did make me think that they must live close to us in the pack, but no one came to mind, Mum had called him young, but then again she calls everyone under forty young so that certainly didn't help. I also realised I'd forgotten to ask her whether he was a beta or alpha, I knew she wouldn't go for an omega, for quite a few reasons, but mainly it was because I needed someone to take care of me whilst in heat, omegas often forgot to eat, drink, clean themselves, two omegas together during heat wouldn't be able to look after themselves, let alone each other.

Mother bustled into the sitting room with a beaming smile, hurrying over to the front door I could see from my seat. She stopped though and threw me a glare, ushering me with her hands to follow her and greet our guests at the door.

I made a point of taking my sweet ass time, so by the time she'd reached and opened the door I was only entering the hallway to the front door. She greeted them enthusiastically and welcomed them in, I stood there gawping in shock, first because the Thompsons were here, our fucking next-door neighbours, and second, the shitting giant cowering behind them, I mean what the hell?!

"Miko!!!" Mrs Thompson squealed at the sight of me and I was embraced in a soft yet tight hug almost immediately. Mrs Thompson, although a really selfless and kind woman had a weakness for sweet treats, she also was quite broad for a woman, she didn't look fat per-say, our werewolf metabolism prevented that, but she certainly looked... filled out. She was also quite tall, but no were near as tall as the mysterious giant still hiding behind Mr Thompson.

"Hi, Julia," I squeaked out.

The Thompsons didn't have any children, Julia was infertile if I remembered correctly, and she did dote on me whenever she got the chance so she was more like a crazy aunt to me than a neighbor, although... I hadn't seen her in the last few weeks, now I think about it was quite odd for her. 

Usually I'd be invited next door at least twice a week to help Julia in the kitchen and to sample her delicious creations of course. I enjoyed helping her as my mother had complete dominion over our own kitchen, even after she'd tasted many things Julia and I had baked she never relented, my father and I were forbidden from cooking. I mean I could get away with making toast and other breakfast items, along with sandwiches, but she'd insist a growing man like me needed something proper to eat.

"I'm so happy you're willing to meet my dear nephew Hamish. Come here Hami!" she called, finally letting me go and beckoning the shy giant from behind her painfully thin and slender boned mate Adam, they really were an odd match. Mr Thompson was a soft-spoken man, a few inches shorter than his mate, he always had a friendly smile for me though, and a good book recommendation. They were both beta's, although I'm sure I weigh more than Mr Thompson and are not much shorter either.

Nephew? When the hell did they acquire a nephew?! "Nephew?" I blurted out.

"My older brother sadly passed just recently, he was already widowed so Hamish here has come to live with us." Mr Thompson explained in his wispy voice with a sad smile. I gathered Hamish had also moved packs since I knew I wouldn't forget someone so tall walking around, he must be over seven feet, Je-sus!

I also felt empathy for him, already losing his mother, and now his father. My parents might drive me nuts but I loved them dearly. I guess I could understand the solemn droop to his shoulders now, but why was he still hiding behind Adam? I wasn't that scary was I?

I peeked around Mrs Thompson with curiosity, it was unusual for me not to be approached boldly when season partners were on the cards. This time of year I could barely walk through the pack grounds without getting offers, they'd thinned out since I'd refused everyone, but alphas in particular were known for being bull-headedly stubborn to the extent you could be fooled into thinking they were deaf.

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