Ch 13

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I don't know when i fell asleep, i just remember feeling so warm and cosy, Hamish's soft growls like a lullaby.

Afternoon sun streamed in through the window, probably what woke me up.

Hamish was still and quiet on top of me, his face buried in my shirt and pressed against my chest.

My fingers were still tangled in his hair and when i gently removed them he stirred, lifting his head and staring up at me with bleary and unfocused eyes, his face a little red from where it had been mushed to my chest.

A soft sound left his throat, a sleepy moan i think and i chuckled when he flopped back down, clearly not willing to move just yet.

I yawned and stretched, groaning as joints clicked and muscles ached, relaxing under Hamish again, who snuggled deeper with a quiet huff now i was still.

I smiled to myself, once again finding Hamish adorable. Why was someone so sweet forced to endure so much at such a young age?

I sighed, the world could really suck sometimes.

"Mika?" He mumbled sleepily, his low voice muffled against my shirt.

I hummed to tell him i had heard him and was listening.

"I'm... i'm glad... that we... i-like-this."

My hands went to rest on his back and i rubbed it in lazy circles, glad that the nervous tension that had seeped into body slowly abated until he was relaxed once again.

"I like this too Hamish."

I'd only ever cuddled with my parents, and never like this. It was nice, i liked that we could just be, you know? This wasn't what i imagined bonding with a season partner would be like at all, and i was happy i'd been wrong.

The other omega's in this pack made it seem like a race, a rush to get intimate in the name of becoming comfortable with their chosen partner.

Becoming comfortable with someone was so much more than merely getting naked with them. Sure, it played a part, and doing so would bring you closer, baring yourself physically would do that.

Some of them claimed it was the best way to become familiar with their partners, to wear their scent all over, in our most intimate places so there would be no confusion in the disorientation caused by heat or rut.

I wasn't sure if it was the alphas in this pack who'd convinced them of this fact or their own libidos.

"I'm not squishing you am i?" He asked hesitantly after i sighed again due to my own thoughts.

"No Hamish." I assured, brushing my fingers through his hair in the way i know he liked.

He let out an exhale of relief. "Good, because i don't want to get up." He mumbled and nuzzled against my chest with a content, purring growl.

"Is my teddy-bear comfy?" I asked slightly teasingly and he snorted a little in amusement.

"I am happy to be your teddy-bear if i get cuddles like this."

I cooed silently, Hamish was just so stinking cute!

To my dismay my phone rang. It wasn't a sound i heard often so for a moment i didn't recognise what it was, causing me to fumble around to fish it out of my pocket before it stopped ringing.

I mumbled a quick sorry to Hamish before accepting the call, holding my phone to my ear to hear who was on the other side.

"Hello Mika, i have some good news." It was my boss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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