Ch 3

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Loud knocks sounded at the door and I frowned in its direction, now who the hell could that be? My dad was at work, and obviously wouldn't knock when he got back, which wasn't for a few hours yet. My dad's grandparents just let themselves in and my mother's lived in another pack, along with her younger sister and her family. This meant whoever was pounding at the door wasn't a relative, and since the Thompsons were already here it certainly wasn't a social call.

Sure everyone was friendly with other pack members but it was more like acquaintances that were neighbours rather than a big family. It was our human sides that wanted a large community, wolves considered only family pack, in the wild some might band together if there was surplus food but generally packs consisted of a mother and father wolf and their pups, maybe some extended family.

My mother stood up from the other sofa, where she'd been conversing with the Thompsons and went to answer the door. The impatient pounding continued until she opened the door and I leaned to the side to see who it was.


Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Fucking nope.

It was Jacob.

Yes I know, the name was tragic, and like in the movies Jacob was never going to get the girl, or omega in this case, but in this case, Jacob was a fucking a-class asshole. Who was also our leader's son, which really irritated me because I couldn't go off on him like I wanted, lest he tells mummy and daddy and I get in a world of trouble.


Jacob was a fuck boy, and everyone in the pack knew it, even his parents. He was two years older than me and had had a different omega every season to use as his cock-sleeve, the thing is that they all refuse to be season partners with him a second time, and I'm the only omega he hasn't partnered with.

He seems to think he's above having a beta for a season partner, I don't think I'd ever seen him even ask one. Nope, for the past month or so he's been badgering all the omega's to try and get them to agree to be his heat partner, he'd hounded me of course, and got the usual 'no fucking way in hell', so obviously he'd moved on to those he thought he had a better chance at convincing. From what I'd heard down the pack grapevine he had managed to cajole a poor omega into being his season partner, which begs the question, why the fuck is he at my door?

My parents weren't important enough members of the pack or close enough to the leaders to warrant unexpected visits. My mother worked in the pack offices and helped manage the pack's finances along with a small team and my dad was a jack-of-all-trades handyman, technically he built and maintained all the pack buildings along with a few other pack members, but if anything got broken or needed building he was the one everyone called.

Jacob sauntered into the sitting room, eyes instantly latching on me and I didn't need to sniff the air to know he was already going into pre-rut, the way he was eye fucking me made that abundantly clear.

Pre-rut was a way for alpha's to flaunt their virility before the season officially started. Their pheromones would broadcast their health, pack status, secondary gender and potency of their sperm, disgusting I know.

If an alpha hadn't managed to find a season partner by the time he went into pre-rut he would use his pheromones to lure an Omega and try to seduce them with their seductive and musky scent.

Alpha's did tend to start the season earlier than most, since Jacob had come from a long line of strong alphas, his family leading our pack for generations, he was especially alpha-ish. At twenty-six he was fully grown, 6ft4 with shiny black hair and deeply tanned skin from all his topless workouts on the training field. Focusing more on showing off than actually learning anything, mostly ditching his growing duties as the leader's son. His eyes were a brilliant bright blue and he had this smile, this slick self-appreciating leer that made me want to sock him in the mouth.

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