Ch 6

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Had I really warmed to the idea of having Hamish as my season partner enough that I'd feel sad if he backed out?

He seemed almost frozen for a moment, then I felt the heavy weight and the warmth of a hand rest on the top of my head.

It was the quiet sniffle that made me move.

I stood up between his legs, wrapping my arms around his head and neck, hugging them against my chest. "Hamish..." I breathed softly, my own eyes stinging at the sound of the heart-wrenching sobs that shook his large frame.

His arms held me back tightly, gasping raggedy into my chest in between forced-out cries.

He clung to me desperately, hands fisted in my oversized shirt, mournful wails getting muffled against my chest, dampness quickly soaking into my shirt.

For a moment I froze, realising my nuzzling had reminded him of his deceased parents, the affection they'd only given him due to his young age and inexperience when it comes to the season and season partners.

Wordless coos and gentle hushing left my lips as I cradled his head in my arms, fingers carding through his hair and skimming over the back of his neck.

There was nothing I could say that would help ease his pain. I'd never suffered such a profound loss, I couldn't imagine the crushing grief that gripped him, but the thought of losing both of my parents and the amount of change and stress Hamish must have been put through... was still going through... how sad and lost he must feel... how lonely...

I honestly don't know how he was managing.

With the upcoming season as well?

His body will be filled with these new and overpowering urges, a desperate need to be intimate with another, mark them with scent and care for them, be affectionate in ways he'd only ever been with his parents and other ways he'd never been with anybody.

I leaned over him protectively, trying to block out the world for him, even if it was just for a while. "Let it all out," I murmured, fingers brushing back his long hair so I could press a kiss to his forehead.

I left my head there, closing my eyes and beginning to hum softly, my fingers continuing to run through his slightly tangled morning hair, gently tugging any knots free whilst cradling his head against my chest.

A loud sob forced itself from his chest and I paused to hush and press kisses to his hairline and forehead.

"Breathe Hamish, it's alright, don't bottle it all up, let yourself cry, you're allowed to cry, sweetheart," I murmured softly into his hair, his heaving breaths getting close to hyperventilating.

I rubbed soothing circles on his back, nuzzling and nosing the top of his head, my chest slowly starting to release a soft purr, a uniquely omegan quality, it's supposed to calm alphas, specifically our mate or children.

His breathing came easier after a few moments and he sagged against me, sobs slowly subsiding into quiet sniffles. He nuzzled my purring chest, fisted hands that gripped my shirt gradually going lax until his fingers smoothed out on my back.

"You're not alone Hamish, you have your aunt and uncle, and now you have me. I'm only next door if you ever need me, even if you just want company while you read. You don't have to talk if you don't want to, even if you just want to listen to me ramble on about books."

A shaky laugh reached my ears, muffled by my shirt.

"This is okay too if you need a hug... I know as an omega I can give you comfort that no one else can, I can calm that alpha wolf hiding somewhere in that head of yours." I mused and played with a strand of his wavy brown hair.

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