Ch 8

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The gentle nibbling was incredibly distracting as I tried to listen to what the Thompsons were saying.

Hamish seemed oblivious that his aunt and uncle were talking, his entire focus on my neck, his front plastered to my back, his warmth comforting, the arm slung over my waist keeping me in place but I didn't feel trapped, it was nice.

With my head on Hamish's pillow, his scent filled my nostrils with every breath, causing a low, rumbly purr in my chest, which only seemed to please Hamish even more and encourage him to nip and lick every bit of skin he could reach.

Julia looked happy, if still shocked, Adam seemed almost relieved, a gentle smile on his thin lips.

"Are you two even listening to me?"

Adam chuckled, putting his arm over his mates shoulder and guiding her out of the room. "Let's leave them be for now dear."

The door closed softly and it appeared Hamish had been holding back in the presence of his aunt and uncle.

I gasped as he nibbled and scented my neck with increased enthusiasm now that we didn't have an audience. He nibbled a particularly sensitive spot, his arm holding me tighter to his chest. They scraped over that spot again, gently biting down, the constant pressure overwhelming.

My hands fisted in the duvet, my neck falling further open in submission, my body pressed back unconsciously, my wolf's whines passing through my lips.

As much as I was enjoying this it couldn't continue, if it did then I'd be needing a new pair of underwear, which I didn't have on hand being at the Thompson's, and I very much didn't want to walk back to my house commando, in nothing but an oversized shirt.

Underwear aside I wasn't sure how Hamish would react if I got slick all over his bedding. I mean he knew of my overproduction problem... but knowing and seeing were entirely different things.

That and if he saw how much his gentle marking was effecting me I think I'd combust from the sheer mortification.

"Hamish, we need to stop." I didn't sound very convincing but after a moment his maddening nibbles and licks ceased, a further credit to his uniqueness as an alpha.

"I wasn't hurting you was I?" He asked worriedly.

"-No!" I quickly assured him, practically shouting the word, feeling immediately embarrassed afterward. "N-no... you didn't, I promise... if anything... I liked a little too much." I admitted quietly, feeling my face turn nuclear.

A sigh of relief came from behind me, and I felt his forehead press to the back of my shoulder.

"I thought omega's didn't like being bitten." He mumbled.

I'd thought the same.

"The other omega's in the pack... I wouldn't call us friends but we talk sometimes, it's nice being able to speak to someone we can relate to, you know? Well... they speak incredibly freely when it's just us, comparing experiences and... other stuff.

It's why I know most of the unmated alpha's in this pack are assholes, present company aside, with that knowledge I decided to refrain from accepting any of their proposals." I realised I'd been rambling, get to the point already Mika!

"What I meant to say was that none of them like being bitten either, but I don't think I'm an exception, simply that you didn't gnaw on my neck like i was dinner."

He made a thoughtful sound, then asked me something incredibly quietly. "Why do omegas put up with us?"

I must admit I was a lot more stubborn than the other omegas. The season was far from easy alone, and it wasn't just the six weeks that were difficult.

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