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"wow haven't seen your smile drop that fast in a long time. new record, huh."

jack moves aside and opens the door wider for me to enter. "hello to you to althea."

"were you excepting someone else?" i smile innocently as i question him–knowing jack's previous history.

"yeah, the food guy." i can hear the annoyance lace his voice already and it makes me smile to myself that i've gotten to him that quickly.

"so are you gonna show me to my room?"

"it's right down the hall to your left princess," he replies.

i roll my eyes at his stupid little nickname for me before i lug my little suitcase and backpack with me to the room.

i starfish on the bed, it's weirdly comfortable which i wouldn't expect from jack. trying to take in all the annoyance that i'm going to feel in the next few weeks, my eyes begin to close but my phone starts buzzing on the nightstand before i can be happy. i let out a groan of annoyance and get up to check.

Quinn and the three musketeers
4 people


stfu luke

what do you want luke

why is luke bothering us

wow treated like this by the people i considered family

fuck off

anyways althea is there something you'd like to tell us????

count your days quintin

what is going on?
can someone please catch me up

well thea over here is taking care of injured jack at his house 🤭🤭

thea i promise it wasn't me

yeah i was eavesdropping on mom's call with quinn

you're so nosy
this is why no one tells you anything bc you can't keep you're mouth shut
also good luck thea, i'll be rooting for you two to get together

i swear to hell luke if you tell anyone i will end you
and all of you get that shit out of your head

too late the whole umich team knows
and the frosh are rooting for you to get together as well

me too

fuck you all

✭ ✭ ✭

"hey just wanted to tell you that food's h–," jack says as he opens the door. his brows furrow, "are you seriously doing homework right now?"

i'm currently sitting on the floor with papers sprawled around me trying to study.

"yeah, i'll be there soon," i say trying to dismiss him.

"well, i also wanted to tell you to wake up by seven-thirty because we have to be at the doctors office by nine for my physio and i don't wanna wake the beast."


"are you listening to me?" jack continued to question–starting to get on my nerves.

"yes, i am, why?" i say while trying to search for an important paper that's lost in the pile with the rest.

"because i just called you a beast and you didn't reply with a snarky comment."

"listen jack i don't have time for this, i need to study." my voice was growing more annoyed because i couldn't find the paper.

"yeah whatever," he said in a blunt tone. "dinner's on the table." jack slammed the door behind him as he left.

please don't be ghost readers, comment please

also you can critique my work too, just be nice or i will cry

– ani<3

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