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A/N: So this might sound really weird, but I've seen multiple comments of people online on how they know a book/story will be good when the writer's first language is not English.. but why's that, I'm wondering? :)


Little me sat in my small, cold room that only had one bed. My cute pillows and stuffed animals I had before were all gone, just like everything I had.

Janson stormed into the room, his face pissed as always. "What the hell do you think you were doing out there, hmm?" He bent down in front of me and grabbed my wrists tightly.

I let out a cry. Tears were already running down my cheeks even before Janson came in. I had failed to do my mission on my own.
"They were so sweet!" I cried out. "A-and they offered me nice things and I-I-."

"What you're supposed to do, is take the kid with you and bring them to the guards who are always waiting outside for you, understood?" Janson squeezed harder. "I don't like it when we have to use our controlling system on you, Lenora."

I sobbed. "Find someone else then."

Janson didn't reply for a few seconds, seeming hesitant. Then his eyes and face softened sweetly.
"But you're the best at this, Len." He lowered his voice. "Without you... we're nothing. We need you in this job."

Young me nodded, not realizing how stupid it was to believe Janson.

"Do you hear more beeps?" He questioned.

I closed my eyes for a second, focusing on the beeps in my ears. "Yes." I stared at the map in my mind and soon told Janson the address.

"Alright." He smiled, a grin hidden behind it. "I'll do some research. In two days we'll do it, okay?"



I woke up by some hysterical screams of Thomas that he saw lights in the distance, which was true. Fast, we all got up, looking around and rubbing our eyes for a few seconds. The lights lit up a big building, which was the only thing I could see.

"Shit." Thomas suddenly added, motioning at dark clouds far away from us. I could already hear the thunder. "We gotta hurry!"

Soon we were all running the fastest we could. Especially Minho stood out. I swear he could easily outrun us all and get to the building in three seconds, but instead, he turned around and stopped until we all ran past, including me, and then jogged after us.

Thomas kept encouraging everyone to keep running and shouting things as the lightings strikes got closer. I felt the ground shake by them and heat hitting my back, making me run even faster.

Aris, Frypan, Newt, and I arrived at the doors of the building, some cars and other vehicles surrounding us, but a loud explosion made us, especially me, stop right in our place.

One person, Thomas, fell onto the ground... Minho flew through the air. I let out a yelp, seeing a big spark of lighting hit him.

Without hesitation, though I didn't really know why, I ran back to the boy, not caring to get hit too. "Minho!" I screamed, but he just lay there lifeless. In a panic, I took the boy's arms. Newt soon helped me and somehow we managed to get back to the doors, Thomas too. He was alive and well, at least.

Frypan slammed the door closed, making the room completely dark. A weird, rotten smell I easily recognized filled my nose, but I only cared for Minho, who we lay on the ground.

𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍  》TMR, MinhoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ