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"Lena!" A blurred voice talked as my vision was still black and something pressed against my hurtful wrist. "Lena!"

I winced. It felt like I was in a dream; the words I heard were slugging over each other, and they echoed through my mind over and over again. When I opened my eyes, my vision wasn't the best either.

"Oh, god!" Two arms wrapped around me tightly. "I thought you were dying, Len!"

"If you keep squeezing like that I will indeed die," I mumbled as I blinked a few times.

"You bloody scared me, Lena."

I frowned and tried to make my vision more clear. "Bloody?"

"Do I need to punch you in the face so you will get normal again?"

"I'm as normal as... myself."
Maybe I was drugged after all...

Someone chuckled. "Not normal then."

"Thanks for the complim- hey!" I blurted out when someone pressed something cold on my forehead. My eyes shot wider open and like it was magic, I could see clearly. Three males and one female appeared in front of me. Astrid, Minho... and.. Thomas and Newt??

Both boys wore an uniform I recognized as the one WICKED guards wore. Guns were in their waistbands and according to their heavy breaths, it took some effort to come into the department.

"And no, you're not dreaming." Newt chuckled.

I gasped and ran over to Thomas and Newt, not caring about any pain in my body. They laughed and hugged me back.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to them. "I'm so-."

"There's no bloody thing you need to be sorry about, Lena." Newt interrupted.

"Lena." Astrid sighed and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "I must say you have a lot... boyfriends? Or just male friends?"

"Oh, we're boyfriends," Thomas announced.

Minho's head snapped toward them. "Wait what? I'm pretty sure I'm the-."

"Of each other," Newt added. "Thomas and-."

Before Newt could continue, Minho let out a girly scream... well, at least he wasn't lifeless anymore.

"Oh my gosh!" I peeped before giving Newt a proud hug, Thomas following.

"Yeah, cute all this, kids.. but eh, we might want to go quickly," Astrid warned.

I scrunched my eyebrows a little deeper, trying to remember things that happened. "Wait, wait.. what's happening?"

"We broke in here." Thomas started. "With these uniforms. We used Teresa to get here, by the way. Janson caught us pretty quickly though, so now the whole damn building is after us."

"Yep." Newt agreed. "Also.. uh, Janson is right outside that door."
My head turned toward the locked door. Even a table stood in front of it.

"And this is a dead end."

"But we found a way out."

"Which means we have to jump out of a window."

Astrid held up her hand. "Seriously, sorry, but calm down with explaining."

She was right. I didn't understand a thing. "What window?"

The three boys stepped aside and motioned at a giant window. From looking down I knew we were in one of the highest floors. The window was already broken and on the surface was water, meaning we could already jump.

"Yeah, no." I refused immediately, my face pale. "I won't be jumping down there."

"It's our only way out."

My hands already got sweaty. To me, it was a very big deal. Without even noticing it, my feet had walked as far away from the window as possible.

I took some raspy breaths. "There's a door too."

"If you go through that one, you'll be dead in a minute."

Frustrated I rubbed my forehead as my heart beat faster by the second. "If you hit the water wrong you'll be dead too."

"Then.. don't hit the water wrong," Newt suggested.

"Hey." Minho walked over to me once he noticed my breath got quicker. "It'll be okay, Lee. Really."

I shook my head. "I won't- I can't do that."

"Yes, you can," Minho assured, looking me in the eyes deeply. "You survived all this torture, so this is supposed to be an easy job."

"But heights are literally my biggest fear!" I panicked.

He bit his lip, not knowing what to say next for a while. "Alright. Just breathe with me."

Confused I watched Minho took deep breaths. His own eyes stood worried and a bit confused too, yet he seemed quite sure of his case.

"Come on, princess. Breathe." He repeated in a whisper. Slowly I started taking breaths with him, almost gasping for oxygen I didn't realize I needed more of earlier.

Minho took my hand and gently pulled me toward the others, who stood ready to jump. Even Astrid.

"You sure about this though?" She questioned Thomas.

"Not really." He admitted quietly.

Minho tightened his grip on my hand. "Nice pep talk."

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired," Newt commented.

Just then the door got slammed open. Thomas pushed Newt toward the window and Minho started running, pulling me with him. Then we all jumped out.

I probably screamed louder than I ever did before. My stomach flipped and turned as the wind cut through my skin. But after all, I hit the water surprisingly fast. It didn't hurt much, yet didn't feel comfortable.

It was dark underwater, and took me a while to find the surface, though once I did, I smiled. I made it, and Thomas gave Janson, who still stood on the highest floor, a middle finger. 

"You five, don't move." Someone suddenly called out.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," I mumbled when at least four armed guards stood in front of us.

"Take it easy." One of them said. Thomas reached for his own gun, but got interrupted. "Uh-uh-uh! Don't even think about it." He paused. "Get on your knees with your hands in the air."

Out of a sudden, one of the guards turned to the others and shot them all. "You son of a bitch." One groaned.

The shooter pulled off his mask. Shocked I stared at the boy. I recognized the buzz cut and face right away. Gally.

Minho looked like he was rethinking his whole life. "Gally?"

"Minho." The boy gave him a nod. "You guys are nuts."

Minho just stared with wide eyes, mouth half open. 

"I'll explain later," Thomas assured.

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