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TW ⚠️: Suicide attempt

I was left alone with Chuck, Thomas, and Teresa. Thomas and Chuck spend a lot of time in the room that had cameras watching the Maze. Teresa was too busy doing things I didn't understand. Science, or something.

Today, I joined too. I joined watching the boys wander around the place they called The Glade. It was a field with green grass and handmade shacks everywhere. The Maze surrounded it, but we didn't get much camera views from that, however Thomas could switch from view to view.

Chuck wasn't there, though. He had to get his weekly injection. Just me and Thomas, in silence.

We watched as Alby and a boy named Nick took lead. Minho entering the Maze after they discovered it was survive-able through the day.

I wasn't aware of the fact they couldn't remember anything.

"Hey. Wait." Thomas straightened his back as he pushed a button on the remote. "Look."

I moved closer. Newt was putting notes in people their hammocks. Thomas and I shared a glance. He then put on his backpack and just like every day, ran into the Maze.

"He's crying." Thomas whispered. He zoomed in on Newt. "See?"

I leaned back in my chair again, not sure what to think or say. So I just watched Newt run deeper and deeper into the Maze.

He stopped running in front of a tall wall, that was completely covered in ivy.

"Woah, woah, woah." A gasp left Thomas's mouth when Newt started climbing up the wall.

I froze in my place. Realization hit me.
"Can he hear us?" I panicked. "Can we talk to him?"

Thomas shook his head. He continued watching Newt climb. Tears formed in my eyes. This couldn't be real. Was Newt gonna jump? Why? Could we really not do anything to stop him?

"Newt..." My eyes stood wide, my hand reaching for Thomas's. He squeezed it.

Screaming and crying in front of the screen would only make things worse, so I didn't. I just watched, horrified.

Newt stopped climbing faster than I wanted. His glossy eyes stared at the camera for a while, making eye contact right with us as if he could see us, too.

And he let himself fall.

My eyes slammed shut. Thomas squeezed my hand even harder.

It took me at least a minute to open my eyes again, but I couldn't get it over my heart to look at the screen.

Not Newt. He couldn't die. I was supposed to reunite with him in half a year! It had only been two months!

My best friend.

Thomas let out shaky breaths. "I'm putting the screen off."

"Please do." I whispered.


I was done.

I couldn't watch them suffer in the Maze. I couldn't watch those boys die or lose themselves.

Two options. I could try to escape and maybe go through the same as Minho, or I did the same thing as Newt and wouldn't have to break ever again.

But I still had the slightest hope to meet them again. Somewhere in my life. So I left the second option alone and decided to take the risk, and the same night Newt jumped.

I didn't overthink it. I didn't want my own thoughts to stop me, so I just packed a bag fast, and went out in the dark as quick as I could.

Minho and Gally had gone through the vents on the main floor, but they got caught. I didn't want that.

So I went down the elevator, all the way to the basement I spent lots of time in when I was younger.

I walked through it fast, not wanting to be reminded of my times with Minho there. I went into the room with the horrible chair. The one that brought back terrible memories, but I shook my head just bent down to that vent.

They wouldn't see me enter it from the basement, so there I went.

The space was dark, dusty, and didn't contain a lot of air. I tried not to groan, yet fear made me do it a few times. Small spaces like these were no ones thing. 

I tried to memorize the way and ended up doing it pretty well, because before I knew it, I could see the glow of the moon at the end of the vent.

I climbed out of it, a cold breeze hitting my skin immediately. The smell of nature entering my nose as I stretched my muscles.

It went way easier than I thought.

I could've prevented Minho and Gally if I- no.

Shaking my head another time, I stared my walk through the dark. Not through the woods, though. Way too scary. Just the countryside on the other side of the giant building.


I had packed one bottle of water and just a small lunch package with the little food I could find in my room. That was all I lived on, those two days of walking around.

Two days. And yet everything seemed abandoned. I didn't meet a single creature or another human being. Nothing. Just sand and some trees.

Until I heard a sound in a bush.

I stopped walking, my heartbeat speeding up so much I could feel it in my throat. My mouth fell half open.

As I crossed my fingers, more noises sounded to my left.


Relief hit me like a wave of pleasure. I blinked, carefully turning to the one who had talked.

Luckily, it wasn't Janson or any employee I knew.

It was a man with dirty, ripped clothes. A black-grayish beard and a knife in his hands.

Okay... maybe I wasn't so relieved after all.

I took a step back, eyes staring at the knife he held.

"Watcha doin' here?" He asked.

My mouth opened, but nothing came out. Would he bring me back to Janson? Kill me? Hurt me?

He lifted an eyebrow, eyes trailing over my body. "Property of WICKED, hm?"

I totally forgot about that stupid logo being on my pants and shirt.

"Did you escape?"

All I managed was a nod, heart thumbing even faster as I did so. I wiped my sweaty palms on my clothes.

"What's your name?" He walked closer.

I didn't move. He had kind eyes and that gave me some kind of comfort. So hesitantly, "It's... Lena."

Lenora brought back horrible memories. Lena was my real name, not Lenora. Lenora was the girl that killed innocent people and lied to her friends.

"Lena." He nodded in approval. Held out his hand. "I'm Holt."

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