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A/N: Half of this chapter contains Minho and Lena talking about fictional men... good luck.


I groaned slightly when Jessy's cries woke me up. Minho moved beside me too, but before he could do anything, I shot straight up.

"I'll do it." I assured him. "Just go back to sleep."

He ran a hand through his messy hair, grunting a bit. Then he nodded, smiling at my caring. I smiled back, placed a kiss on his mouth, and got up to check Jessy.

She slept in a tiny bed next to ours. Her arms tossed around while tears ran down her cheeks. I sighed, taking her in my arms and slowly rocking her back and forth.

Why are you crying? I wondered every time. I was sure I fed her, cleaned her diaper, and tucked her in nicely. But, then I did smell a... not clean diaper.

With more sighs, I cleaned her up. It took twenty minutes because she never stopped moving and crying, letting me know there was still more she bothered. Soon it came to my mind she was hungry, so more minutes passed by feeding her. I did all of this on the couch in the living room, so Minho wouldn't wake up. Then I held her in my arms for more than half an hour until she completely fell asleep, lay her back, and crawled under the sheets myself.

03:00, said the clock. Two and a half more hours sleep for me.


I woke up by the alarm again, putting it off fast so Minho wouldn't wake up. I jumped in the shower. A cold one, so all the sleep would be gone. I brushed my hair and teeth, made sure lots and lots of concealer covered the dark bags under my eyes, and headed to the kitchen.

I made myself a coffee to stay awake and not doze off every second of the day that was about to start. After, I took the already crying Jessy onto my lap, got her dressed and cleaned, then talked so she would get a better vocabulary.

Then I started to make breakfast. Most of the time, except for the weekends, we didn't have time to walk all the way to the Haven and have breakfast there. The twins had to go to school, that was why.

I got some sandwiches ready, put plates on the table, yawning in between, and then woke the twins up. Minho was up by the time too, doing his hair and making himself ready for the day.

"Five more minutes." Charlie groaned into his pillow. "Please, Mom."

"Charlie, no."
Less sleep made me get irritated fast, apparently.
"I'm not doing this again. School starts in like an hour. I made you a sandwich with bacon and-."

"Bacon?" He gasped and jumped up. "I'm up."

"Abby, you too." I turned to her as I sat down on Charlie's bed, rubbing my temples. "Please."

"Okay." She stretched her body. "Can you make a braid today?"

"Yeah." I just nodded. "Go get your breakfast. Dad's already got you some clothes, too."

As six-year-olds, they somehow didn't want to pick their own outfits, so we had to. Not that I minded it. I liked taking care of them as much as I could.

"Morning, Princess." Minho passed me on my way to the kitchen, too.

"Dad, not the nickname." Charlie buried his head in his hands.

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