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I shot straight up when I escaped from the terrible hallucination, staring right into Janson's eyes like always.

I noticed tears rolling down my cheeks as he and another doctor tapped some things on a screen. They didn't explain anything, and I didn't ask anything.

Honestly, all I wanted was to be back in the Scorch and cuddle with Minho on one of the cold nights.

The same nurse with the black buzz cut stood in the corner of the room, carefully watching Janson get ready a syringe. He held it in front of my face, causing my eyes to shoot wide open immediately. Something in my mind snapped and I realized that no matter how low I was on energy, I really, really didn't want to get tortured after the hallucination again.

"No.." I shook my head, tears still coming. "Please don't, Janson."

Janson didn't reply and brought the needle closer to me. I screamed and tried to fight, but was tied to the bed.

"I don't want to." I cried out. "Please, Janson. I... I can't- not today, please."

He didn't bring the syringe any closer for a few seconds and just watched my breaking face, which was getting wetter by tears every second.

"Please." I sobbed loudly. "I don't want to anymore."

Janson then moved again, almost stabbing me with the needle, but then the nurse interrupted.

"Janson!" She said sternly, roughly grabbing the syringe out of his hands. "She said no."

He crossed his arms and gave the nurse an offended glance. "If we are young to listen to them like this, we won't make any progress, Doctor Amery."

With watery eyes, I looked at the arguing duo.
The nurse, whose surname appeared to be Amery, sniffed and motioned at me. "Look at her, Janson. Do you see what you're doing here? You're ruining her and if you keep going, there will never be a goddamn cure because you killed them."

"Don't raise your voice at me." He threatened.

"I'm talking with a normal voice, Janson." She snapped. "And I can't take how easily you can go further with your experiments while she's literally begging for mercy like her life depends on it, and also, at this point, I feel like her life does depend on it."

His stayed face blank as I cried even more.
"Her life doesn't depend on it, and if it did, so what? There are millions of people out there dying, so it's not that bad to help them by using some kids."

"You're right." Amery nodded. "It's not bad... it's cruel." She slowly moved closer to him, faces inches away, both in pure anger. "You're killing them not by just torturing.. no, you let them kill each other, you make them want to do that to themselves, and you almost starve them. How much food are you giving her, hm? 'Cause I don't think she's supposed to be that thin, Janson."

She had a point. A lot of them. The amount of food I got was the bare minimum, though that was the last thing that bothered me.


Amery cut Janson off immediately. "Give her a break. Fine, fire me because of this, but all I'm saying is that this won't help you get a cure." She paused. "Got that?"

Janson eventually just nodded. She gave him a death stare before she started to untie the chains on my wrists and ankles. Soon she helped me get into my room, and surprisingly enough, she went in with me.

"Are you all right, sweetie?" She kindly asked while I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Fine," I replied, voice breaking.

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