004: seven minutes.

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IT WAS very obvious at the beginning, the way Mike's gaze would linger on her, that he'd watch her when he thinks he isn't looking, that Dustin asked her questions just so he'd know. It was also very obvious from the fact it felt like all of them seemed to be on a secret of some sorts, Mike, Max, Lucas, Dustin. All except Nicky. Who honestly hated every second of it. Because she doesn't want Mike.

She doesn't think she'd date him, like ever, especially not now when she'd just met his goddamn ex-girlfriend. (Who's so pretty but that's unrelated.) She walks out the kitchen, entering the backyard again to see Max and El were talking off on the other side, the other boys, Lucas, Dustin and Will are sitting together, talking about comics or some shit. She was gonna walk over to Max and El who seemed like they were in a heated argument, ready to defend Max when Dustin glanced over, "oh, and Eddie is Nicky's brother, by the way, I don't know if you knew that," he's waving Nicky over as he's talking to Will.

"Yeah, I'm basically him, just cooler, less into nerdy shit and... basically just a female version." She says, crossing her arms as she got to them, glancing away a few times to look at Max and El. She barely makes a word out from what they say next as Max just brushed past El, telling the brunette not to follow her who just turned around, watching her with a pained look on her face. What is going on?

Nicky turns to the others, "yeah, that's cool and all, but I'll be right back." She rushed off as fast as she could, to go and look for Max. "Max? Max, hey, what's going on?" She followed her all the way to one of the bedrooms upstairs where Max plopped down onto the foot of the bed, wiping away at her face furiously. "Nothing... nothing." She says, sniffling.

"Was it El? Is she being a bitch to you? What did she say? Does she need to be put down? Because I can fight--" "no, it wasn't that. El is okay, she wasn't mean. Seriously, I'm okay." Max said quickly, wiping away more of her tears and Nicky sighed, shutting the door quietly behind her before she came to sit down next to Max. "If you're okay, why are you crying? You ruined the badass looking make up I did on you." She glances at her.

A grin breaks out onto Max's face and she laughs quietly, wiping away the tears again so Nicky sighed, reaching into her pockets. She leaned forward, grabbing Max's chin gently before wiping away the mascara as best as she can with the tissues. Max stared back at her, just stared at her for a while, before quickly turning her head away and grabbing the tissue. "Thanks..." She mumbled and began doing it for herself, sniffling quietly.

"Seriously, what's going on? You know you can talk to me." Nicky says, tilting her head and Max turns her head to look at her again. "You'll hate me. You'll see me differently. I don't want you to do either of those." She explains and Nicky shakes her head quickly. "I'd never do either of those..." She says and Max sighed, now using the tissue to blow her nose as best as she can before rubbing her eyes.

"I liked El." She says and Nicky raised her brows. "Like... as a friend?" She asked curiously and Max immediately looks at her. "More than that. And... she knew. She told me she knew, the whole time, and... I--I don't know, I feel like that act she puts on, like when she called your hair pretty and touched it, I--" "you think she lead you on?" Nicky asked, crossing her arms and Max looked away, sighing quietly.

"It sounds stupid, I know, clearly we were just friends and--" "No, it's not stupid. The same thing actually happened to me before." Nicky cut her off, glancing away and Max quickly looked at her, furrowing her brows. "But whatever, right? They all do that, play the role of the innocent straight girl and don't realize they made you fall for them." She shrugs slightly and Max let out a deep breath. "I was so scared you'd think I'm weird... for liking girls." She says and Nicky just quietly chuckles.

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