011: meet at our spot.

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     THE THREE girls sit in front of the tv in the livingroom, all in a row, El's head has begun leaning onto Max's shoulder and Nicky had her arms crossed, a blanket is draped over them and the movie is nearly over. El yawns, cuddling closer into Max's side who pretends not to mind it or care, but inside, she's gushing with adoration for the other, not in a romantic sense but happy they're close again.

Nicky keeps glancing at them, kind of skeptically a few times and El would glance over, then give a little smile at her, which she would return. By the end of the movie, El has fallen asleep and Max carefully moved her so that she was resting her head the other way before she turns to Nicky, smiling faintly at her.

"I'm gonna step outside for a bit, you wanna join me?" The blonde asked as she stood up, walking over to her jacket and Max knew right away that she meant for a smoke. "Only if it's for fresh air." Max quips and Nicky snorts, digging into her front jacket pocket before pulling out her cigarette pack and lighter.

She hated smoking too, like Max does, but that was before, before when she was a kid. When she was just a small doey eyed girl, watching her mom smoke her fifth cigarette of the morning, a dull stare on her face with a cup of coffee in front of her at the table, just waiting for Eddie and Nicky to be done with their breakfast before driving them to school. And then she'd have her sixth, windows rolled down as she drove her two children to school. She always had a sad look in her eyes, like the life is drained out of her. Nicky would hate it, blame it on those cigarettes and such. But here she was, lighting one up and inhaling.

Max sat by, staring at her as she quickly exhaled the smoke from her cigarette, glancing around their neighborhood before turning to look at the redhead and smiling faintly. "Want one?" She teasingly asked and the Mayfield just rolled her eyes, quickly turning her head. Max fidgets with her hands, staring down at her lap as it grows quiet between them.

"Why do you smoke?" Max glanced over now and Nicky just held up the cigarette, took a quick inhale from it before exhaling, and shrugging as she looked at the redhead. "I don't know... I guess I kind of just thought... it looked cool?" She said as she stared at the cigarette then looked over at Max who's staring at the cigarette as well. "It doesn't, I know, and it's super unhealthy. But, whatever, I guess." She shrugs and Max just glanced away.

"What is with you and that saying?" She then asked, looking at Nicky who just glanced at her, lightly brushing her thumb over her bottom lip before taking another drag. "What saying?" She asked, blowing out the smoke while she says it. "The whatever?" Max says, furrowing her brows and Nicky just glanced away. "Every bad thought I had, about my life, my family, whatever it was I've been through, all I could think is whatever, right? Because it could've been worse. I shouldn't be whining." She says and Max just frowns at that.

"I was at that stage for so long too... that maybe my dad leaving my mom was all on me, Hell, even Billy would remind me that on a daily basis and I started to believe it. I started to think that maybe I did deserve it. That maybe it's not so bad because it could've been worse than it was, all Billy did would be grabbing my wrist, or like, raising his voice at me, or treating me like I was stupid. But we didn't deserve any of it. Especially you. None of it, your dad hitting you, your mom leaving you, you didn't deserve any of it. I promise you that." Max had reached out at this point and Nicky had a few tears slipping past her eyes before she turned to the other, embracing her tightly.

Max hugs back just as tight, one hand on Nicky's lower back and the other in the blonde hair. She smiles faintly when she hears the faint sizzle of the cigarette being snuffed out onto the cement stairs they're sitting on.

"I'm glad you're my friend." Nicky mumbled into Max's shoulder as the girl's smile slowly faded. "Me too." She says quietly and once their hug was over, they head back in where El was slowly sitting up, rubbing her eyes. "Where'd you guys go?" She asks quietly and Max points with her thumb. "Get fresh air... still tired? I felt like having some hot cocoa if you guys want some." She suggested to the two.

And so, El and Nicky sit together at the table while Max just heat up some water, setting out milk, the hot chocolate powder and some tiny marshmallows as El grabbed Nicky's hands suddenly and brought both closer to her. "I see that you and your brother have the same style." She says as she admires Nicky's rings. She has multiple kinds, similar to ones Eddie has and her nails are painted black as well. "Is this one a mood ring?" El admires the black obsidian ring on Nicky's right thumb.

"No, it's a black obsidian ring. Eds got it for me for my fifteenth birthday, said it protects, energizes and cleanses." Nicky explains, smiling at how much admiration and interest is on El's face as she examines the ring. "That's so cool..." The Hopper girl says, a small grin on her face before she glanced up quickly. "Sorry," she apologized suddenly and put down both hands onto the table so the Munson girl chuckled, patting the other's hands gently. "It's okay. You were curious..." She says.

Max glanced between the two then quickly turned away, watching as she waits for the tea kettle to boil when the phone rang suddenly. "Got it!" She yells, knowing her mom's door was most likely wide open while the woman is reading her book in bed. She rushed over, picking up the telephone, "hello?" She says into the mic. "Hey Max." It's Lucas. She smiles warmly, "Hi, what's up?" She says as El glanced over at Nicky, wiggling her eyebrows and the blonde just chuckles softly.

Then her eyes are on Max again, who's twirling the telephone cord and smiling widely as her boyfriend spoke on the other end. Once the tea kettle started boiling and Max glanced over, Nicky quickly stood up. "I'll make them, don't worry." She walks over to the tea kettle, turning it off quickly and pouring in the hot water halfway into all three mugs that have the hot chocolate powder in them already.

Then she fills up the rest of the mugs with the cold milk, before plopping in some marshmallows. She brings over El's mug, smiling and winking at the brunette who smiled widely. "Thank you." She says as Max is watching them again, kind of zoning out and not listening to Lucas at this point. "So, what do you  think?" The Sinclair's question snaps her out of it as she quickly looks away. "Uh, about what? Sorry..." She says quietly. "Oh, um, tomorrow, around 4 or 5, we meet at our spot?" Lucas says and she just hummed.

"Um, yeah, that could work out for me..."

Max returned to the girls after her call with Lucas, just taking a sip of the hot cocoa and making a delighted hum. "You definitely make it better than me, Nick." She says and Nicky just smiled softly at that, glancing away. After their hot cocoa's, the three girls laid in bed that night, Max on a mattress on the floor this time as she let the two girls sleep in her bed. Once El got to snoring, Nicky turns over.

"Max. You still awake?" She whispers and the redhead hums. "Yeah," she murmured back, flipping over to face the blonde who's staring at her with a small smile. "What did Lucas want?" She whispers now, her smile completely hone and Max hums. "He wants to meet up tomorrow." The redhead explains and the blonde nodded softly. "Cool." She murmured and Max just stared at her for a moment.

"Good night." Nicky murmured now, flipping to lay onto her back and Max follows her actions, "good night..." She replied, but neither girls fell asleep, Nicky moved so her back was facing Max and she laid there, staring at the wall as Max was staring up at the ceiling. There was just so much both had to say.











authors note
late night update since i'm behind on this one, i'm sort of just grinding out those chapters for my nancy & jonathan fics rn 💪

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