006: you like nicky.

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     MAX STARED at El, confused, "why did you say you met a guy... then?" She asked and El sighed. "I told Mike that... so that we'd have closure. And he'd finally let go of me, and, like, I lied, basically, because I knew I wasn't the one for him and he wasn't the one for me." She explains and Max is even more confused. "But... I thought you loved him?"

"I did. I still do. But not in a romantic way. I explained how I felt to Will, and he said if there's people different like he is, there's people different like I am... I don't wanna date anyone, and... with the awkward girl talk Joyce gave me before when I moved in with them, I don't wanna do that with anyone either. That's why I can't be with you, because I only love you, platonically. Do you understand what I mean?" She asked and Max just nods.

"Not completely, but... I think I get what you're trying to say. You don't like sex or dating. And you don't wanna do either." She said and El just nodded before smiling. "Yeah, exactly." She says and Max just smiles softly, glancing away. "So... you don't have a boyfriend?" She then asked as she looked at El.

"Nope." El shakes her head then sighed. "I'm glad Mike's moved on though. Did you see the way he looks at Will?" She then laughed and Max raised her brows. "Looks at Will?" She said quietly and El chuckles. "Yeah, they've both definitely been head over heels for each other this whole time." She says and Max glanced away, in thought at first.

Everything clicks in her mind as El asks, tilting her head, "so do you like her?" When she says this, Max looks at her right away. "Who?" She asked and El nods her head to the side. "Nicky." She whispers and Max snorts. "No." She denied and then rolled her eyes when she saw the little coy smirk on El's face. "She's... she's not into me like that, and... besides I'm back together with Lucas." She says and El squints her eyes at her. "The same Lucas you were on and off for an entire year with?" She asked and Max rolls her eyes. "It's different this time. We're older... mature." She says.

"But you like Nicky. I can tell." El says, tilting her head forward a bit and Max furrows her brows. "No, I don't." She denies again and El sighs. "Coming from a girl you've liked before, I know what you're like with a crush on a girl." She insisted and Max rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "No. There'd be no chance of us, Lucas and I are going stronger than ever, besides Mike kind of likes her." She says.

"But Mike likes Will." El frowns and Max shrugs. "I don't... think so. Considering all he's done these past few months is try and get Nick's attention. It's kind of pathetic. Mike can't get girls, he got you by total utter coincidence because he was looking for his best friend in the woods." Max explains and El just glanced away, shaking her head softly.

"Wait, so what do you think happened when they went into the closet?" Just as El asked this, Nicky entered the bedroom and caught their attention. "Woah, no cat fighting? I thought you'd be at each other's throats by now." She's obviously teasing and Max can't tear her eyes away from her. Nicky looks... so good with her hair all wet. "No, we made up. Thanks to you." El smiled widely up at her.

"Oh, you're cute, El." Nicky chuckled then reached into her pocket. "Hey, I found a couple of hair tyes in the bathroom, can I braid your hair?" She asked as she sits onto the edge of the bed and El's face lights up, "yeah, sure! I love when people braid my hair," she quickly moved to sit on the floor in front of Nicky who got to braiding her hair, parting it down the middle and making two french braids, by the time she tied off the ends, her hands were tired and she shook them slightly.

"Can you do mine?" Max asked and Nicky looks at her, smiling. "Yeah, just give me a sec," she said and began cracking all of her fingers as El moves to sit at the desk chair, admiring her long braids with a small smile as Max watched her, smiling faintly as well. "I remember when we met and you had really short hair." She says and El glanced up.

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