015: easily jealous.

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WHEN NICKY woke up, she looks around groggily and thinks that maybe it's already afternoon time. She quickly realizes she was by herself in the bed, because her girlfriend was seated at the desk, listening to music. She recognizes the tune. The artist that basically took over Max's life back in '86 when they first met. She smiled, watching her for a while when suddenly the redhead looked over, taking off one side of her earphones.

"Morning." She smiled and Nicky raised her brow. "It's morning?" She's surprised mostly because whenever she sleeps so late, she sleeps nearly the whole day or until the afternoon. "Yep. It's only about to be 11." Max replied as she shut off her music, took off her headphones and then closed her diary. Some advice Ms. Kelley, the guidance counselor gave her when she was only a Freshman. Write down your feelings.

"Oh... that's shocking, honestly." Nicky says as Max smiles, walking over to lay next to her. "Um, El called. Said they're all hanging out at the Wheeler's before her and Will have to head back home to California... are you down for that?" The redhead asked and the blonde pretends to think about it. "Yeah, of course. I'm not gonna be one of those people in a relationship who suddenly only cares about their partner and never hangs out with their friends." She then says and Max laughs, knowing it's a little joke about when Max talked about Mike and El's relationship back during that summer four years ago.

"I mean... it sounds nice. Just us two, and... no annoying friends." Nicky glanced up at her and Max smiled widely. "Yeah... it does sound ideal. But we can't just ditch them." She sighs, "I already said yes." She says as she got up and Nicky just watched her. "Right. I wanted to talk to Mike anyway..." She says as she looks up at the ceiling, rubbing her eyes and Max hums, approaching her closet since she hadn't gotten dressed yet since she got up.

"I'm gonna head home and get dressed, but I'll meet you outside later so we can walk together to Mike's?" Nicky asked as she slowly stood up, rubbing her eyes and Max nods quickly, turning around as she smiles softly. "Yeah, they said to meet at Mike's around, like, 2 or so? I'll meet you outside at 12. I wanted to go grab some food with you before..." She says and Nicky nods, smiling as she glanced up and down at her girlfriend who walks over, smiling at her. "See you at 12 then." Nicky nods and Max leans down, pressing a kiss to her girl's lips before standing up, smiling wider.

Nicky jumped up rather quickly, grabbed the redhead's face and pressed another kiss to her girlfriend's lips, then immediately sprinkled kisses all over that freckled face, making Max giggle and scrunch up her nose. "You're just so cute." Nicky whispered and pressed one more lingering kiss to Max's lips. "I should head home, take a shower but I'll see you at 12." She whispered then rushed over to the window. "I have a front door, you know?" Max asked, laughing softly as her girlfriend is crawling out her bedroom window now.

"I know. But this is more romantic." Nicky said as she grinned, now standing outside Max's window before waving. "Later Maxy." She walked away and Max's face turned so red her freckles disappeared at the sound of a new nickname for her. Maxy. She usually hates being called a different nickname or Maxine, but it's different, coming from Nicky.

Nicky did her thing at home, showering, getting dressed, brushing her teeth, combing her fingers through her hair, putting on all of her accessories then grabbing her cash, shoving it into her pocket as she grabs a little sticky note, writing down on it before sticking it to the fridge. When she walks out at 12, she smiles when she sees Max standing at the side of the road. The redhead smiled and waved at her, so she waved back as she walks over.

"Where did you wanna go eat?" She asked as she got closer and Max scrunched up her nose. "Enzo's?" She's clearly joking by the little grin on her face and Nicky snorts. "Um, there's a diner near Mike's place... wanna go there?" She asked and Max nods, "it's new, isn't it?" She asked as she began walking ahead and Nicky is quick to follow. "Yep." She says.

It feels different. The aura around them as they walk, Max is sort of rubbing her arm gently and pursing her lips as she looks around. Nicky is also silent, both hands in her jacket pockets as she's staring straight ahead. "So... what did you want to talk to Mike about?" The redhead spoke first since the last words they've said, glancing at the taller girl who quickly looked at her, smiling faintly when her eyes land on the smaller girl. "Oh, um, just about, like... what's going on, you know? With him and Will..." She glanced away, smiling widely.

"Oh, yeah. Duh." Max says, chuckling softly as she looks away, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Yeah... um, there's never gonna be anything to worry about with me and Wheeler, or anyone else... I--I, um..." Nicky paused awkwardly, glancing around when she realized Max sort of scrunch up her nose a bit.

"Was it that obvious... like my jealousy?" She says, looking around as she felt her face get warm. "No, I--I just wanted you to know... because, you know, you're my girl." Nicky says quietly then smiled widely and Max quickly looked over at her, smiling. "Right... yeah," she murmured, blushing slightly.

When they arrive to the diner, Max looked all around and liked how cozy it was as Nicky was staring in one direction, so Max followed her eye gaze to see some girls sitting in a booth together, laughing and drinking milkshakes. "Wanna sit in a booth?" Max asked her, putting a hand to her arm and Nicky's head suddenly snapped towards the shorter girl, seemingly snapping out of her daze.

She smiled wide and nodded, "yeah, sure." Max smiles back then leads the way to a booth where Nicky also follows along to take a seat, but not without glancing over that booth full of girls every five seconds. Nicky adjusts her hair, tucking most of it behind her ear as she sighed, sitting down. "What's wrong?" Max asked and Nicky glanced up quickly.

"Nothing." She lied then smiled, as a waitress came over to their booth. "Hi, what can I get for ya'll ladies today?" She's cheery, has bright blue eyes and long light brown hair in a tight ponytail, probably for dress code. "I'll have a cheeseburger and a side of fries." Max says immediately, bringing the attention of the worker away from Nicky, over to her.

"Alright. And something to drink?" The woman asked and Max pursed her lips, thinking as she looks at the menu. "I'll get the same thing as her and a cherry coke." Nicky finally decides, setting down the menu onto the table as the woman nods, writing down her order as well. "I'll get a chocolate milkshake." Max said then smiled up at the woman, handing over the two menus now as the waitress nods, writing it down quickly then grabbing the menus.

She nods and smiles, mostly towards Nicky before walking away. Max makes an agitated look while Nicky just taps her fingers lightly on the table, looking at her girlfriend. She smiled and then chuckled, raising her hand to rest her chin on top of it as the redhead finally looked over at her, slightly confused. "What?"

"I just find it cute. You getting easily jealous." Nicky says, tone full of amusement as she grins and Max rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. But still, she can't help but blush and bite back a small smile. "I just... I can't help it. You're so beautiful. Anyone would be interested in you." She says quietly and Nicky blushed, raising her brows at the girl as she chuckled again. "I doubt that..." She says quietly, running her fingers through her hair to push some of the strands in her face back.

"I'm serious. I got lucky." Max says, grinning now as Nicky looks at her, face full on bright red now. "Look who's talking." She retorts back and the Mayfield just giggled, glancing down. They were in their own world, in that little booth, just the two of them. At least for the first five minutes since they've placed their order.

"Aww, guys, look, Nicole's on a date."

authors note
i haven't updated this in so long, woah, it's been three months. but a lot has happened since, i got really busy with college life and like i guess the social side of college too? idk but i've been hanging out a lot with friends and stuff, i'm really having fun but i miss writing <3

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