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Ever since that day John has been playing hide and seek with me which was so annoying but fun because the more he tries to ran from me,the more I want him.

Even the works he had to assign to me,he made his assistant do it.He made the hospital discharge him without my notice.

"May I come in but if you're busy I can come back later."The female omega said,at first I wanted to tell her, I was busy but thought otherwise because if I wanted to know more about my  alpha then she was the right person.

"You can come in."She walked in and sat before me but she still hadn't said a word as if she was contemplating if she should say what was on her mind or not.Her being mute made me feel so annoyed and just wanted to sack her but for the sake of my beloved, I was going to hold it in.

"What do you wish to tell me?"She flashed me a determined expression before saying what was on her mind but her next words made me really baffled.

"I like you."She said looking at me expectantly.

"Well thank you for being honest with me but I have somebody that my heart beats for so sorry but I can't accept your confession."

Wilmar looked like she swallowed shit but calmed her expression before looking at me with some emotion I couldn't describe so I shrugged it off thinking that what she felt for me is just the heat of the moment and it will pass so I didn't put my mind on it.

"Okay but can we at least be friends?"I didn't want to be her friend because she gave me some kind of uncertain vibes but the way to becoming her father's lover was through her so I nodded at my would be step daughter,the title gave me goosebumps but whatever.

"Then if we are now friends then please accompany me to have lunch"She was really something else but anyways who would say no to food especially since I couldn't have Uncle Collins' breakfast because both he and his alpha were going at it in the bedroom which was so nauseous to think about,hope I don't get another cousin.

**After sometime**
"The meal was delicious,thanks once again."

"Gosh I should be the one thanking you because you agreed to go on a dat__I mean lunch with me and wish
for us to do it once again."


She pecked my cheeks affectionately which made me feel uncomfortable but before I could tell her that I disliked what she did,she had already disappeared.

What none of us knew was that the angle she was pecking me looked like lovers kissing passionately and this was going to be a major problem that was going to affect our lives.Whether it was for better or worse,we still didn't know.

I decided to pack some food so that I could send to John and see him because I wanted to be right beside him.

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