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Today happened to be the annual party of the Villarosa family, celebrating the progresses of their restaurants.All sort of elites were invited.This kind of of elites parties were used for them to gossip and mock those beneath their social class as cruel as it seems,the rich found it entertaining among their circle to see who had gotten a new mistress,who had divorce their spouse or impregnated their servants or which celebrity had found a backer to help their careers or which scandals has broken out.This is how bizzare the rich enjoyed themselves, so annual parties were the best source to feed their gossipy minds.

Mary Villarosa aka the mother of Oscar and John wanted the whole family to attend the party hand in hand like the perfect family, they portrayed to the outside world but the elites knew that this was far from the truth but they all mutually pretended not to be aware of anything.

"Today let all not embarrass ourselves especially you John."

"Yes dad."

"Good now let go."

But what Mr Villarosa didn't know was how John had gripped his hands into a fist to pretend like he didn't feel anything on how his own father treated him like he was a failure of the world because of his past behaviors.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honour  to see you all made it here though how busy your schedules are.Not to bore you all with my old talks,please enjoy and I would also would like to thank my son for his great leadership skills helping Villarosa restaurants develop so well that I can finally step down without worries so ladies and gentlemen a round of applause to my eldest son, Oscar Jack Villarosa for his wonderful leadership skills and the future success that under his leadership, Villarosa restaurants would leap to."

The elites clapped to that and congratulated the Villarosa,some of their business partners listened to the words of  Mr Villarosa with disdain because of how he treated one son better than the other but they silently looked at the dramas that were yet to unfold.

"Excuse me,I will just grab a drink."His father nodded absent mindly to his request forcing on his business partners.

John found the bartender and ordered for one of his strongest alcohol to num the pain that he felt right now.The human heart was indeed fragile that no matter how one wanted to feel happy for the other,the mere fact that he was ignored and treated like a waste made him feel things that he didn't want to at the moment.

He was about to drink his fifth glass when a hand stopped him which got him angry, can't he just drink without any disturbance.

"Enough, John it your fifth glass so take a chill ."At first the face of the person talking was blur to John until he recognized the voice as that of Nova.

"Kid you don't tell me what to do now give me the goddamn drink."

Nova didn't bulged at the request of John but rather took the drink and gulp the contain in the glass at a go.

John was irritated at that so he ordered the bartender to give him the whole bottle of the alcohol but yet again Nova drank all in a go.

"Fuck you."

"You're welcome."

Both of them were now wasted without any hope so they decided to rest in one of the spare rooms that the hotel that the annual party was being held in provided.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share plus pardon my grammatical errors.
Any guesses on what about to happen.


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