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I thought that my documents had mistakenly been mixed with that of my father's.I searched around until curiousity took over and I saw a document lying in his drawer that he refused anyone from touching.

In the document stated that I was the sole owner of the Villarosa wealth/properties and it was an inheritance from my father not Steve Villarosa but my biological father.I wanted to confront my 'parents' not understanding all this bull crap but I decided to do my investigations before doing anything.

I found out that my biological parents were Sebastian Villarosa and Kingsley Bate with both being alphas.Steve was rather the foster brother of my biological father Sebastian and was to be the guardian of me and that when I become twenty -one the properties should be given to me and I also inherited the Bate wealth as I was their only child and unfortunately they died during their escape from their kidnappers.

I was horrified at the revelation,my whole life was a lie but I kept calm thinking that I should be grateful because they took me in and raised me so I stole the original copies and in turn place the photocopies at where I found the original copies.

On my baby's twenty -second birthday Oscar introduced his nephew that was apparently his ex Raine's son who made me feel things that I don't think I had ever felt for anyone not even Andrei who after his release disappeared and I was happy because didn't know how to face him seeing as he lied to me and treated my feelings as filth.

Later, Wilmar confessed to me that she was in love with Nova and I felt really hurt because I also fell for the same boy my daughter fell for.

At the annual party of the Villarosa restaurants,Steve announced Oscar as the new CEO, I wanted so much to take the documents and throw it in their face that they all didn't deserve my wealth but still that notion of them loving me stood in the way.I was desperate for love and didn't care that I was giving my inheritance to people that could careless if I died or was alive.

I drank so much with Nova only to wake up with him beside me and we were all naked in bed without a single clue of how the fuck we had sex.

I fled not knowing that a few weeks later,I would find out that I was pregnant with the Beta's child.

That day when Nova and I's sinful deed came to light in front of both our family during the announcement of Nova and Wilmar's engagement,I was so embarrassed and guilty coupled with the stress of the pregnancy I stood there when my past mistakes were revealed to everyone and mu daughter looking at me with hatred and telling me to disappear from their lives so I run like the foolish weakling I was.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share plus pardon my grammatical errors.
I feel a rollercoaster of emotions on this extras.


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