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"You're taking like forever and not like you are going on a date with this Adonis guy of yours."JJ yelled at Harry for the fifth time but she wasn't having any of that because she was going to take her sweet time to doll up and wait for her prince charming and technically,what JJ said was true,she wasn't going on a date with Nova just touring him around the city but she still wanted to look good to march up to such a fine specie.

"Whatever hater but am going to look my best."JJ rolled his eyes at her and was about to throw a sarcastic comment at her but he wasn't able because the man of the hour had arrived.

"I am h____you!"Nova couldn't finish his sentence as he saw JJ and the disbelief on his face said a lot that there was a story to tell and I wonder what it was for my friend to be stucked pale and Nova in complete shock.

"NK pack your stuff,we are leaving."NK looked reluctant but still went to take his bag from my small office at the cafe.JJ held NK and who was about fleeing but Nova wasn't having any of that,he snapped out of his shocked structure and held JJ hands refusing to let go and just like NK,I stood there confused at the actions of those two.

"Let me go!"JJ demanded with panic in his voice but Nova didn't bulged.He pulled JJ in a hug,holding him so tight that I think JJ was going to have a hard time breathing.

"Nova,let go I can't breathe properly!"Nova didn't let go but he loosened up his hold.

"Can someone explain what is going on here."I saw NK seriously nodding at my words and if not for the seriousness of the matter I would have teased him for acting like an adult.

"I finally found you."Nova ignored my words which again I didn't bother because of how serious the situation was.He was murmuring that words and to my surprise,he was shedding tears looking vulnerable at the moment.

"Papa,who is he?"John looked at his son before sighing then looked at a crying Nova then back at me.

"Harry can you take NK inside while I talk to him."Harry was not willing to fulfill her friend's request wanting to know what was going on but then again,she didn't want to be nosy so she nodded at JJ then held NK hands and sent him to the kitchen using some pastries to bribe him while keeping  a mental note to bake a few cupcakes for tomorrow's opening day of the cafe since she took a day off wanting to spend the day touring Nova around then doing some shopping with her little cutie pie.

"Let sit then talk!"Nova complied but sat beside John not wanting to move an inch afraid that it was going to be a dream and that his mi amor would disappear again.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share plus pardon my grammatical errors.

So finally we know that JJ is John,I know some of you had already figured it out.


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