Chapter 1

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Freshman Year
"Why am I going to this thing again?" My twin brother asked. 

Hayden couldn't stand parties. They've never been his scene. You would think a guy with his status and looks would attend parties, but he dreads them. He'd rather play video games and smoke weed.

That's what makes me so different from my brother. I don't mind a party. But this was my first college party and I refused to go alone. "I need you to protect me from all the drunken creeps and horny frat boys."

I closed my left eye so I could give myself a cat eye with the liquid liner in my hand. Hayden groaned from behind me. "Why couldn't you have asked Mason?"

"Mase is a cock-blocker." He threatens every guy who even looks my way. It's because of him my sex life is about as exciting as a snail trying to cross the street. I don't remember the last time I had sex. That's how bad it is.

"Exactly. He's perfect."

I rolled my eyes before giving my other eye the same cat eye. I finished my makeup with a nude lip and stuffed my makeup bag back under the sink.

I turned to face my brother. "An hour. That's all I want."

He had his arms crossed over his chest, a dark brow raised. "What do I get for my pain and suffering?"

"I'll do your dishes for a week."

"That includes Greyson and Lincoln."

"Whatever." I held out my hand, ignoring the smug look on my brother's face as we sealed the deal with a handshake.

When we got to the party it was packed with people from both on and off campus. People drank, danced, smoked, and made out. Some were either fully clothed or practically naked. I chose not to wear a swimsuit despite it being a pool party. I love the beach and the water, but I can't swim for shit.

Music blared through the speakers in and outside the house, making it difficult for me to hear Hayden over the noise. "What did you say?" I could see his mouth moving but I couldn't hear a single word.

"I'm getting a beer!" He yelled. "Do you want one?"

"Sure," I yelled back, before watching him make his way towards the kitchen.

I bobbed my head to the song playing in the background. I wasn't sure what song it was but I could recognize Doja Cat's distinct voice.

Hayden returned a moment later with two red solo cups in hand. He handed me one and I thanked him before taking a sip. 

"What took you so long?" I asked him.

"A group of girls ambushed me." He rolled his eyes, as did I. Girls are always swarming my brothers like bees to a hive. Though Mason's the only one who loves the attention.

"Classes haven't even started yet and you're already the talk of the school."

It's always been like this. Hayden getting all of the attention. I didn't mind too much. Kept the attention away from me. I liked my privacy. So did Hayden, but he didn't really have a choice. He was captain of the men's soccer and lacrosse team. Made him quite popular. Especially with the girls.

"I wish I wasn't," he admitted. "Annoys the fuck out of me when they treat me like I'm some fucking celebrity."

"Well, you're an Isaacs, so you kind of are a celebrity."

He huffed a sigh of frustration. "I'll be back. I need a joint."

I nodded and turned around to watch a group of guys play beer pong. When that got boring, I decided to explore the rest of the house. I ended up going outside where even more people occupied the space.

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