Chapter 11

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Landon's POV
"Fuck!" I slam my hand down on the steering wheel of my car. I don't know what angered me more. Harper's boyfriend with his hand on her waist or my parent's failing yet again to actually be parents.

I inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm down. My breathing was all over the place. My parents said they would be here tonight. I bought their tickets for the movie and everything. But then my mom called to tell me she and my dad booked a flight out to New York for tonight. They didn't even ask me if I wanted to come.

Then there was Harper. I didn't know she was at the movie theater until she approached me. I half expected her to make some snarky remark or ignore me all together.

Are you okay?

Those three words relay in my head over and over again like a broken record. No one has ever asked me that before.

It's always, when's your next game? Have you made it to the pros yet? The sex was great. And, let's throw another party and get shit-faced.

When Harper asked me if I was okay, I was surprised. We've spent so much time hating each other -I still don't know her reasons for hating me- that engaging in anything other than seemed abnormal, and quite frankly, impossible.

If I'm being totally honest, I enjoy arguing with her. I like watching her burst into flames at the mere sight of me. I love what my presence does to her. She's like a little ball of fire with curly hair, emerald green eyes, and freckles.

I don't know what that little fireball is doing to me, but I wanted to murder Miles when I saw his hand on her.

I don't want her. I never have. She's not even close to the type of girls that interest me. But something about him touchering her, holding on to her as if to shield her from me? I scoffed. Shit pissed me off.

Shifting my car out of park, I check my rearview mirror before backing out of the parking space. I needed a distraction. Between my parents and that strange as fuck exchange with Harper, burying myself in booze and pussy was the perfect distraction.

On my way home, I hit up Kai and had him get the house ready for a party. I was known for throwing some of the best damn parties in Cali, but tonight, I wanted to keep things lowkey.

Unfortunately, Kai doesn't know the meaning of lowkey. So when I walked into my house expecting a few people, I was bombarded with well over thirty guests.

Pissed, I shoved through the crowd of people dancing and drinking to some rap song. I was greeted by women dressed in short dresses and looking to fuck.

"Hey Landon," one girl, clearly drunk off her ass, greeted seductively. She smiled at me and I forced a smile back.

I scanned the crowd in search of Kai, or any of my friends. There were so many damn people that I felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack.

Some of the guys from the lacrosse team raised their blue solo cups to me in acknowledgement as I passed them.

I cut through the crowd and into the kitchen before heading out to the back of the house where guests skinny dipped and made out with each other. I spotted Kai in the pool, swapping saliva with two blondes.

I crouched down and swatted him in the head.

"Yo, what the fu- oh, heyy, Major. Is this party the shit or what?"

Kai was drunk. And was probably drunk when I texted him. As long as we've been friends, I should have known better than to put any type of requests that requires responsibility in his hands.

"I said a few people, dipshit."

He put his hands up in defense. "I did ask a few people. But you know how people get when they hear about one your parties."

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